From:                              SSVF

Sent:                               Friday, March 04, 2016 11:30 AM

Subject:                          SSVF Program Updates March 4, 2016


Importance:                   High




1.     Important Repository Deadline Modification!

2.     SAVE THE DATE!  National SSVF Webinar on March 17, 2016: Participant Satisfaction Survey

3.     Open Letter to the Grantees of the Department of Veteran Affairs Homeless providers Grant and Per Diem Program

4.     Resource:  Tax Services for Veterans

5.     Reminder:  Register for Regional Meetings



Important Repository Timeline Modifications:


The SSVF program office received notification that VA’s efforts to synchronize reporting across homeless programs will require that all SSVF corrections and updates are uploaded to the Repository no later than the 9th day of each month (please note earlier guidance listed the 10th as the cutoff date).  This revised timeline will go into effect this month – the Repository will now be open through March 9.  We understand that the final deadline has been a moving target in the past couple of months and apologize for the late notice – we hope that this will be the last change.  Once again, all corrections and updates must be uploaded to the Repository no later than Wednesday, March 9.

Revised Upload Timeline:

·         Repository opens on the 1st business day

·         Grantees must upload HMIS data no later than the 3rd business day

·         Data quality reports emailed on the 4th business day

·         The Repository will remain open for re-uploads through the 9th day of the month

·         Data quality reports emailed on the 10th or the first business day after the 10th


Save the Date for the National SSVF Webinar on March 17, 2016 at 2pm Eastern


The SSVF National Webinar will cover the new SSVF Participant Satisfaction Survey that grantees will begin to implement next month.  Registration will be provided.  As you know, SSVF has changed software vendors for the Participant Surveys for Veterans in FY16.  We will introduce M. Davis and Company on this webinar and they will present the new processes and procedures for the distribution and collection of the survey.


Open Letter to the Grantees of the Department of Veteran Affairs Homeless providers Grant and Per Diem Program


Earlier this week, the VA Deputy Secretary released an Open Letter about the vision for the GPD program, as well as frequently asked questions on bridge housing.  It is available on the GPD website  Leadership from GPD and SSVF are collaborating to provide additional information about expectations for coordination of services.  More details to come.


Resource:  Tax Services for Veterans


The VA’s blog on this topic can be found at this website,  It will take you to “Veterans and Their Families May Be Eligible to File Their Taxes Absolutely Free”.


There are several ways that Veterans and their families can access free tax preparation and electronic filing services—

·         The IRS’ Volunteer Income Tax Assistance (VITA) and Tax Counseling for the Elderly (TCE):  There is a locator option on this web site to assist you with locating the nearest location.

·         MyFreeTaxes ( is operating the only free online tax preparation and filing assistance platform available in all 50 states and Washington, DC for those who earned $62,000 or less in 2015.  They also provide in-person assistance to individuals and families earning less than $20,000 in 2015.


The blog has other valuable resources and information for Veterans about their taxes and the filing process.  As you are working with Veterans to help them become as self-sufficient as possible, fiscal management is often a part of that process.  Making sure Veterans understand if they need to file taxes and the process, or assisting them with accessing services regarding the filing process, can help with continued self-sufficiency.


Reminder:  Register for Regional Meetings


As you know we have upcoming Regional meetings in the month of March.  If you are going to be in attendance, please remember to register if you have not done so already.  Please contact your Regional Coordinator if you have any questions.



NOTE:  If you are receiving this email in error, please disregard.  We request your patience as the SSVF Program Office continues to address system issues with the grants management database.



Thank you,



SSVF Program Office