From:                                         SSVF

Sent:                                           Friday, October 21, 2016 11:39 AM

To:                                               SSVF

Subject:                                     SSVF Program Update October 7, 2016




1.     Notices Regarding FY 2016 Grant Closeout

2.     FY 2017 Grant Resolution Process

3.     SAVE THE DATE! SSVF National Webinar on October 20, 2016 at 2PM EDT



Notices Regarding FY 2016 Grant Closeout


FINAL HHS SUBACCOUNT TRANSFERS:  Please be reminded that HHS Subaccount Transfers will be processed on the 1st and 15th of October, November and December 2016. Grantees who required a final transfer of funds among the HHS subaccounts in order to complete the grant close must use the attached template to prepare the transfer request.  Submit this form to your Regional Coordinator for review and processing.  Please do not submit to the SSVF general inbox.  To avoid denials of the subaccount transfer requests, please access your HHS grant account within the Payment Management System and carefully review the authorized subaccount balances, as any Program Changes granted throughout the year may have resulted in changes to these authorized balances.  If you have questions about how to complete the template or verify your authorized subaccount balances (prior to submitting your request) please contact your Regional Coordinator.


DEADLINES FOR GRANTEES WITH FY 2016 EXTENSIONS:  For grantees currently on a 30-day extension for their FY 2016 grant, the SSVF Program Office will activate FY 2017 subaccounts in HHS on November 1, 2016.  If your agency completes the FY 2016 program goals prior to October 31, you must notify your Regional Coordinator of the date your extension ends.  It is essential that both the grantees and the SSVF Program Office document the specific day the FY 16 grant extension ends, for future auditing purposes.  This will also allow for the timeliness of completing final payment requests of FY 16 funds and activating the FY 17 funds. Your agency must draw all of the FY 16 funds in order for the FY 17 funds to be activated.  Grantees who will have a remaining balance of FY 16 funds to be returned to VA must confirm this with their request to activate FY 17 subaccounts in HHS.   


FY 2017 Grant Resolution Process


The SSVF Program Office is currently finalizing the FY 2017 Resolution Requirement process, which includes the online form submission in GIFTS.  A user guide and the online requirement form will be available on October 13th.  Grantees will be asked to review and, if applicable, update their FY 17 grant information such as geographic service areas, projected households served, subcontractor agreements, etc.  In previous years grantees could modify their budgets during the resolution process – this option will not available since grantees and the Program Office have already reviewed and finalized the FY 2017 budgets.  The FY 2017 approved budgets are final, unless the Program Office has reached out directly to your agency for clarification.  The opportunity to submit budget changes for FY 17 will be provided during the SSVF Program Change process in quarter 2.  Please contact your Regional Coordinator if you have questions or concerns.  Other items that will be requests with the resolution process include the FY 17 Homelessness Prevention Threshold and Targeting Form for grantees.  Instructions will be included in the resolution user guide.  The Resolution Process is an opportunity to plan ahead and allocate resources to align with your community planning process.   To assist with this, grantees will concurrently receive the SSVF Gaps Analysis CoC Tool.  Each community will work together to determine the Need for Rapid Rehousing funding in each CoC.


More information on the Resolution Process and SSVF Gaps Analysis Tool will be covered on the National Webinar, October 20, 2016



SAVE THE DATE!  SSVF National Webinar on October 20, 2016 at 2PM EDT


Topic:  SSVF FY 2017 Program Planning


The SSVF National Grantee Webinar will review the FY 2017 Resolution Process, the SSVF Gaps Analysis Tool, and provide updates related to the SSVF Program Guide.  A registration link will be provided.



Thank you to all of the grantees who participated in the FY 16 Fall Regional Meetings over the last several weeks and helped make these events a success.  The materials provided at the meetings are now available on SSVF University at   



Thank you,


SSVF Program Office

NOTE:  If you are receiving this email in error, please disregard.  We request your patience as the SSVF Program Office continues to address system issues with the grants management database.