SSVF Program Update Friday January 27, 2023


NOTE: This weekly update is targeted towards the SSVF Grantees and shared with valuable partners for awareness.            


·         UPDATE: VA permanently housed more than 40,000 homeless Veterans in 2022, providing them with the safe, stable homes that they deserve 

·         TODAY: FINAL Office Hours 38,000 Permanent Housing Placement National Challenge: January 27, 2023, TODAY at 3:00pm EST 

·         REMINDER: SSVF NOFA for FY24 Publication CLOSES February 10,2023 4pm EST 

·         NEW: SSVF Quarter 1 Certification due in UDPaaS January 31, 2023 

·         REMINDER: Fiscal Management 

·         REMINDER: Supplemental NOFA Communities Monthly Report Due in UDPaaS 

·         REMINDER: Veteran Satisfaction Survey Registration Process- NEW SURVEY LINKS sent out 

·         RESOURCE: SSVF National Webinar: VA Smartphone Initiative and SSVF Health Care Navigation Services February 9, 2023, 2:00pm EST 

·         REMINDER: SSVF HMIS Data Quality Report Updates 



UPDATE: VA permanently housed more than 40,000 homeless Veterans in 2022, providing them with the safe, stable homes that they deserve 


Thank you for all of your hard work towards ending Veteran homelessness. VA has announced that we exceeded our goal to house 38,000 homeless Veterans in 2022. Below are our social media posts for this announcement.  

Link to Facebook Post: 

Link to Instagram Post: 

Link to Tweet: 

Link to SECVA Tweet: 



TODAY: FINAL Office Hours 38,000 Permanent Housing Placement National Challenge January 27, 2023 @3pm EST 


The final 38,000 Permanent Housing Placement (PHP) National Challenge Office Hours call will be on Friday, January 27, 2023. This call will provide the final, End-of-Year update on the goal, highlight exceptional achievements in community-wide permanent housing placements, and showcase bright-spot communities who will share their strong housing placement practices. The call will also feature remarks from special guests Denis McDonough, Secretary of the Department of Veterans Affairs, Dr. Shareef Elnahal, Under Secretary for Health, and Monica Diaz, Executive Director of the VHA Homeless Programs Office.  


This call will be held at 3:00 p.m. Eastern / 12:00 p.m. Pacific.  


Recordings of previous calls can be accessed on the VHA Homeless Programs Hub. 


Join from a PC, Mac, iPad, iPhone, or Android device 


Please click this URL to join.   


One tap mobile: 

+16465588656,,84802201078# US (New York) 

+13017158592,,84802201078# US (Washington DC) 


Join by phone: 

Dial (for higher quality, dial a number based on your current location)- US:  

+1 646 558 8656   

+1 301 715 8592   

+1 312 626 6799   

+1 720 707 2699   

+1 253 215 8782 

+1 346 248 7799 



REMINDER: SSVF NOFA for FY24 Publication: CLOSES February 10,2023 4 pm EST 




The SSVF Program Office and VA are pleased to announce the newest Notice of Funding Availability (NOFA) published in the Federal Register.  This NOFA for supportive services grants provides funding opportunities to new and existing applicants nationwide.  This NOFA is competitive, and applicants are urged to closely review the NOFA and associated training available on the SSVF website  News and Events.  Please share this information with interested partners.  


Applicants are required to apply online via SSVF's grants management system, UDPaaS.  VA will use the application scoring criteria as described in 38 CFR 62.21, 62.22, and 62.24 and 62.25 for renewal applicants.  Awards are for services to begin October 1, 2023.   


Applications are due no later than February 10, 2023, at 4 pm EST.  Please contact if you have questions.   This is a hard deadline.  Don’t wait until the last minute! 

 NEW: SSVF Quarter 1 Certification due in UDPaaS January 31, 2023 


The SSVF Program Office is requiring all grantees to complete a Quarterly Certification in UDPaaS.  This process is defined in your signed Memorandum of Agreement for your grant and is a requirement of all grantees.  The Quarter 1 Certification is now available in UDPaaS for completion.  The attached SSVF Companion Guide to Quarterly Cert FY23 provides you with details on all required elements of the report.  Please ensure accuracy of submission as the Program Office will compare all data provided to HMIS uploads during Quarter 1 of FY23.  



REMINDER: Fiscal Management 


The target end date for all grantees completion of FY22 funding is March 31, 2023. Please continue to make frequent drawdowns to support SSVF Program Office’s ability to accurately track and evaluate grantee spending. SSVF Program Managers and grantee fiscal staff need to continue close coordination regarding spending projections. Please communicate with your Regional Coordinator about voluntary returns or need for increased FY22 funding in order to end March 31, 2023, and avoid sweeps. 



REMINDER: Supplemental NOFA Communities Monthly Report Due in UDPaaS 


All grantee recipients of the FY22 Supplemental NOFA funds are required to complete a monthly report activity in UDPaaS. The December data report is due January 31, 2023, and should include any data from December 1, 2022, through December 31, 2022. Reach out to your Regional Coordinator if you have any questions. 



REMINDER: Veteran Satisfaction Survey Registration Process: NEW SURVEY LINKS SENT 


The SSVF Veteran Satisfaction Survey is transitioning to an updated registration link for all SSVF Grantees.  On Monday January 23, 2023, each SSVF Grantee POC received an email with a new registration link for the Veteran Satisfaction Survey.  Previously used registration links will no longer be active.  As a part of the registration process each grantee will select the grant ID when registering a Veteran for the survey.  Distribute the newly assigned registration links to all staff and subcontractors involved in the satisfaction survey process. Contact if the SSVF Grant POC did not receive the registration link via email on January 23, 2023. 



RESOURCE: SSVF National Webinar: VA Smartphone Initiative and SSVF Health Care Navigation Services February 9, 2023, 2:00pm EST 


This webinar will cover two topics. First, The Acting Director of Business Operations for the VA Homeless Programs Office, Jennifer Nemeth, will provide an update about the VA smartphones initiative. The Homeless Program Office had procured smartphones for homeless Veterans in response to the COVID- 19 public health emergency. These phones have been prioritized for Veterans engaged in VA Homeless Programs and/or engaged in other homeless services. The second part of the webinar will review SSVF’s Health Care Navigation services, including the basic roles and functions of SSVF Health Care Navigators and grantee insights on how to effectively deliver these critical SSVF supports. 


Register in advance for this webinar: 

After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the webinar. 



REMINDER: SSVF HMIS Data Quality Report Updates 


The SSVF Program Office and our HMIS TA providers would like to remind grantees of the monthly data quality report changes taking place, starting in February.  These updates are specific to AMI and TFA checks.  Should you have any questions or concerns about this information please contact  More detail and technical requirements can be found in this document posted to the SSVF website Data Quality Summary Documentation.  

1.            AMI DQ checks (#8 on the DQ Summary report after a successful upload) have been removed 

2.            TFA DQ checks (#57-60 on the DQ Summary report after a successful upload) have been revised as follows: 

1.    All households are counted in uploaded file (i.e.: sum of count of distinct householdID from Enrollment.csv) 

2.    All TFA Amounts in the file are summed (i.e.: sum of TFAAmounts with TypeProvided=152 from Services.csv) 

3.    Divide the TFAAmount Sum by the HHID Count for an average TFA per HH 

4.    If that average TFA per HH (by project type) is lower or higher than the amounts below there will be flags on the report 

a.    HP TFA Low -$1,100 

b.    HP TFA High - $12,000 

c.    RRH TFA Low - $700 

d.    RRH TFA High - $11,000 

5.    DQ Scores will be calculated based on total Households with any TFA TypeProvided = ‘152’ divided by all households in program 

e.    This means that if you are flagged as High or Low, all HH will need to be reviewed to figure out which HH is contributing to the high or low average 

f.     We can generally assume that a “LOW” flag means there are a lot of HH in the file without any TFA recorded, or that the amounts that are recorded are unusually low for financial assistance 

g.    We can generally assume that a “HIGH” flag means there is an unusually high amount on average of TFA provided, and that is often caused by data entry errors (i.e.: typing in “20,000” when you meant “2,000”)