From:                                                       SSVF

Sent:                                                         Friday, May 10, 2019 6:58 PM

To:                                                            SSVF

Subject:                                                   SSVF Program Update Friday May 10, 2019




1.           Register Now: SSVF Rapid Resolution Office Hours Call May 15, 12:00 EST

2.           Reminder: SSVF Program Change Request Requirements available in GIFTS

3.           Reminder: Rapid Resolution Compliance Guide

4.           Reminder: SQUARES 2.0 is Now Live

5.           Reminder: SSVF Learning Management System – Learning Manager



Register Now: SSVF Rapid Resolution Office Hours Call May 15, 12:00 EST


The SSVF Program Office would like to thank grantees for their participation in the Regional Meetings and for their submissions of Rapid Resolution Plans.  We want to support grantees in their efforts to implement Rapid Resolutions in their communities by holding an Office Hours Call on May 15th.  SSVF Program Office staff and Technical Assistance Providers will be available to answer questions and provide guidance during this time. 


Please register for SSVF Rapid Resolution Office Hours on May 15, 2019 12:00 PM EDT at:


Reminder: SSVF Program Change Request Requirements available in GIFTS


The SSVF Program Change requirements are now available in GIFTS.  All requests for program changes, including budget modifications, must be submitted to the SSVF Program Office through the GIFTS grant management system by June 1, 2019.  


This requirement is OPTIONAL and should ONLY be submitted IF your agency is requesting a reportable change to your program and/or budget.  Please review the Program Change Companion Guide to determine if a Program Change Request is necessary before submitting the requirement through GIFTS.  The Program Change Companion Guide includes descriptions of the various types of program changes and is available on the SSVF website at:




For any questions, please contact your Regional Coordinator.


Reminder: Rapid Resolution Compliance Guide


The SSVF Program Office has released the Rapid Resolution Compliance Guide.   The guide was developed to help grantees in preparing to add Rapid Resolution services to their SSVF programs.   This document will guide grantees on enrollment principles, documentation standards, use of temporary financial assistance and HMIS data entry requirements. 

The Rapid Resolution Compliance Guide is available on the SSVF Website at:


Reminder: SQUARES 2.0 is Now Live


SQUARES 2.0 is an update on VA’s online tool that provides reliable and detailed information about individuals’ Veteran status and eligibility. Information from SQUARES can be printed out and be substituted for a DD214, enabling grantees to enroll participants without waiting for paperwork that can delay care.


For more information, go to



Reminder: SSVF Learning Management System – Learning Manager


The SSVF Program Office and TAC have developed a new web-based Learning Management System to enhance learning opportunities for SSVF grantees.   The new interactive system will allow grantees to review educational materials and track completed coursework through a user-friendly interface.   We are asking all SSVF grantees to designate a Learning Manager for the new Learning Management System. The Learning Manager will be granted access to manage all grantee's user licenses, to access the system's various reporting features, and to track the completion and scoring of learner activities. 


Please complete the survey monkey link below to identify the Learning Manager for your SSVF grant.




Thank you,


SSVF Program Office