NOTE: This weekly update is targeted towards the SSVF Grantees and shared with valuable partners for awareness.        


·         NEW: FY23 Resolution and FY23 Budget Revisions due 11/09/2022

·         NEW: SSVF Administrative Cost Approach Survey due 10/21/22

·         REMINDER: Office Hours Permanent Housing Placement (PHP) National Challenge to House 38,000 Veterans: 2nd and 4th Fridays of the Month

·         REMINDER: Update Grantee Intake Information

·         RESOURCE: SSVF Shared Housing Toolkit


NEW: FY23 Resolution and FY23 Budget Revisions due 11/09/2022

Grantees are required to complete the current activities un UDPaaS in regard to their FY23 grant agreements. Please see activities in UDPaaS for further instructions. Contact your Regional Coordinator if you have questions.


NEW: SSVF Administrative Cost Approach Survey due 10/21/2022

The SSVF Program Office is requiring that each grantee complete this Administrative Cost Approach Survey by 10/21/22.  The survey must be completed by senior management, specifically leadership staff that are part of the overall fiscal management of SSVF funding.  The survey can be accessed at: If you have any questions or concerns, please contact Rico Aiello



REMINDER: Office Hours Permanent Housing Placement (PHP) National Challenge to House 38,000 Veterans: 2nd and 4th Fridays of the Month


The next PHP National Challenge to House 38,000 Veterans Office Hours call will be on Friday, October 14, 2022. This call will provide guidance and recommendations on conducting housing surges. 

As this call series is intended to provide broad technical assistance and support that integrates all VA and community-partner programs and services towards accomplishing the goal, SSVF grantees are strongly encouraged to participate.   

These calls will be held on the 2nd and 4th Fridays of the Month at 3pm EST/12pm PT. As this goal will be a major focus of homeless program operations for the remainder of CY 2022.

Recordings to previous calls can be accessed publicly here:


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 Webinar ID: 848 0220 1078


REMINDER: Update Grantee Intake Information


It is required that all SSVF grantees ensure their intake contact information is always up to date. As you have changes in that information, ensure you update this in UDPaaS.  This is done by selecting your fiscal year grant page, then the request activity tab, and finally by completing the “SSVF Intake Information” activity. 



RESOURCE: SSVF Shared Housing Toolkit

The SSVF Program Office has released an updated version of the Shared Housing Toolkit. This toolkit is intended to address questions and implementation concerns related to Shared Housing and increased utilization.  Given the current housing market, Shared Housing should be considered an effective tool to address housing needs.  The toolkit can be found on our website and at the link below:

Shared_Housing_Toolkit_FINAL.pdf (