This weekly update is targeted towards the SSVF Grantees and shared with valuable partners for awareness.          

October 6, 2023      


NEWS: SSVF Not Impacted by Government Shutdown

UPDATE: SSVF Program Guide Updated October 2023

NEW: FY23 Funds End Date Extended to March 31, 2024, with UDPaaS Extension Activity Due October 13, 2023

NEW: FY24 Resolution and FY24 Budget Revisions due 11/13/2023

NEW: Homeless Prevention Services Update for FY24

NEW: Opportunity for Bombas Socks for Veterans Due October 9, 2023

NEW: FY22/ARP Financial End of Year Closeout Due November 14, 2023

REGISTER: 2023 VA Permanent Housing Conference – One Team Approach: Collaborating to End Homelessness Among Veterans.

DUE: HMIS End of Year Repository Upload

REMINDER: Office Hours – CY 2023 Homelessness Goals: October 5, 2023

RESOURCE: Hiring and Retention Practices for SSVF Grantees

REGISTER: SSVF National Webinar – October 12, 2023

REGISTER: Data Office Hours – October 20, 2023


NEWS: SSVF Not Impacted by Government Shutdown

SSVF and grantee funding will not be impacted by a government shutdown as we are already funded through advanced appropriations and operations will continue.


UPDATE: SSVF Program Guide Updated October 2023

The SSVF Program Guide has been updated as of October 4, 2023. The main changes are in Section XI – Exhibit H: History of Revisions page 177. It is a requirement that Grantees review the complete guide and share with all SSVF staff.  The recent changes will be reviewed on the SSVF National Webinar on October 12, 2023.  The new Program Guide can be found on the SSVF website at


NEW: FY23 Funds End Date Extended to March 31, 2024, with UDPaaS Extension Activity Due October 13, 2023

The SSVF Program Office has extended the target end date for FY23 funds from 12/31/23 to 03/31/24. An extension request has been published in UDPaaS for completion.


All grantees are expected to complete the activity to extend utilization of FY23 funds up to 03/31/2024. Please go into UDPaaS, locate the activity under “My SSVF Tasks” and indicate “Yes” on the request to extend FY23 spending. This task is due 10/13/2023


Please reach out to your Regional Coordinator if you have any questions.   

NEW: FY24 Resolution and FY24 Budget Revisions due 11/13/2023.

The SSVF Program Office has published the FY24 Resolution and Budget Revisions activities.  All awarded grantees are required to complete these activities in the UDPaaS system.  Instructions for completion are within the UDPaaS system.  Contact your SSVF Regional Coordinator should you have questions. 


Please note that your FY24 Resolution should reflect additional households able to be served given the increased funding in FY24.   FY24 Budgets should run from 04/01/2024 through 12/31/2024 and will encompass all services previously funded through additional funding streams to include Shallow Subsidy, Healthcare Navigation, Legal Services, and landlord and tenant incentives.

NEW: Homeless Prevention Services Update for FY24

In April 2023, the SSVF Program Office announced the plan to shift Rapid Rehousing prioritization back into alignment starting October 2023.  Due to the ongoing variances in grantee spending plans and budget cycles, the Program Office will be extending the Rapid Rehousing Waiver period to October 1, 2024. This will allow grantees the flexibility to address the needs identified within their service area.  Despite the shift, Grantees may still be asked to demonstrate how they will continue to prioritize Veterans experiencing literal homelessness in their service area, to ensure resources are available for this priority group. 

SSVF’s Homelessness Prevention assistance is intended to prevent Veteran families from losing housing resulting in literal homelessness, it is not an eviction prevention program.  As Veteran households present for HP support, it will be imperative that grantees conduct intentional Rapid Resolution conversations, as not all who are losing their current housing will result in becoming homeless.  It is important to explore other safe and appropriate housing options that may be available while they work on a pathway back to their housing goal.  Such Veterans may be enrolled under Stage 1 under Homelessness Prevention and provided Rapid Resolution services and supports that would help them avoid literal homelessness without the need for significant Temporary Financial Assistance. Per the 2021 HP Companion Guide, Veterans may be enrolled under Stage 1 if they indicate they anticipate becoming homeless in the next 30 days and grantees can use Rapid Resolution and services such as legal assistance even if the Veteran household does not qualify for or need more intensive financial supports. 


As a reminder, the SSVF Program Office released the updated HP screening tool in September of 2021, HP Screening ToolThe SSVF Program Office will be reviewing HP Threshold scores submitted with your FY24 Resolution to ensure that all grantees have reviewed and adjusted their scores to ensure the needs of the community can be met with this extended waiver.  


Contact your Regional Coordinator should you have any questions about this waiver extension.  



NEW: Opportunity for Bombas Socks for Veterans Due October 9, 2023

VA is facilitating the delivery of Bombas socks for Veterans experiencing homelessness.  If you are interested in receiving Bombas socks, please coordinate with your homeless programs staff/voluntary services and complete the order form by October 9, 2023 (using the Chrome Browser). Please refer to the attached document for product information.  Socks will be delivered to your location in early November. 


Good News Stories
If you are interested in providing photos and testimonials from Veterans and/or your organization (in a “Good News Story”), please make the notation on the order form (in the applicable location) and forward photos and testimonials to  Our team will work collaboratively with you to develop the “Good News Story”.


If you need assistance, please contact us by October 9, 2023 and include the following information: Name, Email, Phone Number, Organization, Address, Quantity Requested, Brief Description of the Issue and include “Bombas” in the subject line and attach the confirmation email.


NEW: FY22/ARP Financial End of Year Closeout Due November 14, 2023

The FY22/ARP Financial End of Year Closeout Activity is due in the grant management system, UDPaaS, by 11/14/23. Please review the End of Year Closeout Webinar with detailed instructions for completion.


REGISTER:  2023 VA Permanent Housing Conference – One Team Approach: Collaborating to End Homelessness Among Veterans.

The SSVF Program Office, in partnership with the VA Homeless Program Office and national HUD-VASH office, is excited to bring together practitioners from across the country for the 2023 VA Permanent Housing Conference – One Team Approach: Collaborating to End Homelessness Among Veterans.


All Grantees should have received an invite and registration link to attend one of the PHC locations:  Dallas, TX November 14 & 15 or Atlanta, GA December 5 & 6

This intensive, 2-day conference event will focus on various topics and solutions to collectively end homelessness among Veterans. The conference will include multiple plenary sessions, planning discussions and over 20 breakout topics for attendees to choose from.


Each SSVF grantee is allotted two (2) staff members to this event. 

Registration ends on November 1, 2023   Please ensure you register for the event and book your hotel (link for hotel information will come via email after you register for the event)

Please contact your SSVF Regional Coordinator if you have questions.



DUE: HMIS End of Year Repository Upload

SSVF Grantees must complete the final upload cycle into the VA Repository.  This upload will contain the entire fiscal year data set. Client data should be October 1, 2022, to September 30, 2023.  



REMINDER: Office Hours – CY 2023 Homelessness Goals: October 5, 2023

The next Calendar Year (CY) 2023 Homelessness Goals Office Hours call will be on Thursday, October 5, 2023. This call will provide guidance on improving the use of HOMES Assessments to connect Veterans to the full range of VA homeless assistance resources.

SSVF grantees are strongly encouraged to have at least one person from your organization attend.

These calls are held at 3:00 p.m. Eastern / 12:00 p.m. Pacific.

Please forward this reminder as appropriate.

If you need the ongoing invitation, please email

Access the recordings and slides for previous calls.

Join from a PC, Mac, iPad, iPhone, or Android device

One tap mobile:

US: +13017158592,,85681601911#  or +16469313860,,85681601911#

Join by phone:

Dial(for higher quality, dial a number based on your current location):

US: +1 301 715 8592  or +1 646 931 3860  or +1 305 224 1968  or +1 309 205 3325  or +1 312 626 6799  or +1 646 558 8656  or +1 669 444 9171  or +1 689 278 1000  or +1 719 359 4580  or +1 720 707 2699  or +1 253 205 0468  or +1 253 215 8782  or +1 346 248 7799  or +1 360 209 5623  or +1 386 347 5053  or +1 507 473 4847  or +1 564 217 2000

Webinar ID: 856 8160 1911


RESOURCE: Hiring and Retention Practices for SSVF Grantees

As grantees prepare for the increase of funding in FY24, the SSVF Program Office would like to remind you of a recent webinar about hiring and retention for SSVF Grantees and their community partners on Thursday, December 16, 2021. This provides uses of SSVF funds to support hiring and retention with examples of how to attract and retain talent while creating a diverse workforce.  The webinar also provides examples of what has worked for SSVF grantees to hire and retain staff.


REGISTER: National Webinar - October 12, 2023 at 2:00pm EST

The SSVF Program Office in collaboration with our partners, will be presenting information about several topics for the new year. 


Please register at:


REGISTER: SSVF Data Office Hours October 20, 2023, 12:00PM EST   

The SSVF Program Office continues to host monthly SSVF Data Office Hours for SSVF Grantees and their community partners.  Our technical assistance partners with Abt Associates will continue to provide “deep dive” education and conduct live Q & A about SSVF data requirements.  These Office Hours are a great opportunity for SSVF grantees to grow their data entry and data quality skills and improve local processes.       


Please register using the following link:  Webinar Registration - Zoom        


After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the webinar.