
Whole Health recognizes you as a whole person, moving beyond illnesses, injuries, or disabilities. Focusing on you as the driver of your health and well-being, including self-care and complementary and integrative health therapies (such as acupuncture, massage, and yoga) along with conventional medical care, you are empowered and equipped to be the leader of your health care team.
Whole Health means thinking about and approaching your health in a new way. It puts YOU, not your symptoms, at the center of your care decisions. Through conversations and courses, VA staff and Veteran peers will get to know you. They will work with you to set health and well-being goals based on your needs and what matters to you. The Personal Health Inventory is a great tool to begin this process.
Read this handout to learn more about what matters most and exploring your values.
Your story is unique and your whole health begins with what matters to you.
My Life My Story
Since 2013, writers for the "My Life, My Story" program have interviewed thousands of Veterans at VA Hospitals across the country. From those interviews, we craft brief life histories that, with the Veteran's permission, become part of their medical record. By reading those stories, VA health care providers can get to know their patients a little better. In addition, Veterans get copies of their story to share with family and friends.
Whole Health has been a sponsor and supporter of the My Life, My Story program since the beginning. My Life, My Story sits at the center of Whole Health’s transformative and patient-centered model of healthcare.
Listen to Veteran stories as featured on the My LIfe My Story audio podcast.