News Releases
Get the latest news from VA Atlanta-area medical centers and clinics. For more information about VA Atlanta health care, contact our Public Affairs Office at 404-321-6111, ext. 205385 or email
The Atlanta VA Health Care System announces the retirement of Executive Director Ann R. Brown, effective September 25, 2023.
Dr. Daniel Wachtel, Homebased Primary Care Psychologist and Dr. Margaret “Meg” Weigel, a psychiatrist in the Mental Health Service both completed the historic race.
The Atlanta VA Health Care System will hold a ribbon cutting ceremony for its Pike County VA clinic, located at 9528 US Highway 19, Zebulon, GA 30295-3189, on April 13, 2023 at 10am.
Permanent housing placements provided by VA staff and community partners included apartments or houses that Veterans could rent or own, often with a subsidy to help make the housing affordable.
Dr. Martin Luther King Jr Day observed
Final Environmental Assessment (EA) and Finding of No Significant Impact (FONSI) of the CLC Demolition of Building D Project