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J Robinson

Jeston Robinson

Interim Associate Director B

VA Atlanta health care


Atlanta VA Healthcare System welcomes Mr. Jeston Robinson as the Interim Associate Director B.

Mr. Robinson began his role with the AVAHCS on December 4, 2023. He will lead the Regional Site Administrators, Center for Development and Civic Engagement, Finance, Health Administration Services, and Veteran Experience Office.

Mr. Jeston Robinson has served as the Assistant Director of  VA Pittsburgh Healthcare Services since May 8, 2023.

Prior to that role, he served as VAPHS’s Health Administration Services (HAS) chief since December 2019, where he oversaw revenue cycle operations, enrollment, eligibility, coding, Clinical Documentation Improvement and other critical services.

A 12-year Army Veteran with service in Iraq, Mr. Robinson has worked in Patient Registration, Geriatrics, Patient Accounts and My HealtheVet. He has served in various leadership roles, including Environmental Management Acting Chief, Critical Care Business Manager and Medical Care Cost Recovery Supervisor.

As a graduate of the CBO Advanced Forward Professional Development program, Mr. Robinson holds a Master of Business Administration, a bachelor’s degree in technical management, and an associate degree in business management and liberal arts.