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Help for Veterans in suicide crisis

The Compact Act

Help for Veterans in suicide crisis

COMPACT Act (Section 201) Veterans in suicide crisis may be eligible to receive emergency health care services at any VA or non-VA facility at no cost. 


How the COMPACT Act benefit works: 

1.  Eligible Veterans experiencing an acute suicidal crisis – whether enrolled in VA or not – can go to a VA or non-VA emergency room. 
2.  Veterans in suicide crisis should call 911 or go to the nearest emergency room for expedited care.  No enrollment in VA health care is required. 
3.  Notify the VA within 72-hours of receiving emergent suicidal care to start the claim for payment and care coordination. 


Who is Eligible? 

COMPACT Act (Section 201) expands eligibility for coverage for suicidal care for Veterans who may not otherwise be eligible for or may not already be enrolled with VA health care. 

Contact VA Eligibility and Enrollment to see if you qualify: 

Black Hills VA Medical Center Patient Services Phone:

National Eligibility and Enrollment Phone:  1-877-222-8387 

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