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VAs MOVE! Program Focuses on Healthy Habits

Army Veteran holds VA healthy plate poster

Vietnam Veteran Herb Mitchell took his health into his own hands last year and lost 79 pounds as a result.

Mitchell, who served in the U.S. Army and is an Ohio-native, joined the VA MOVE! program in March 2020 – after repeatedly declining the offer made by his primary care nurse.

This year marks 15 years since VA began its MOVE! program. Contrary to its name, MOVE! is not an exercise program, but rather a lifestyle approach about all aspects of healthfulness.

The MOVE! program lasts 16-weeks and is focused on healthy eating, exercise recommendations and building sustainable habits for a healthy lifestyle. The training modules cover topics including meal planning, grocery shopping, mindfulness and exercise plans.

Veterans at the Columbus VA can enroll in MOVE! through a referral from their provider or they may schedule a consultation directly with nutrition services.  

Mitchell says he woke up one morning unhappy with how he looked and felt and decided to make a change. He said joining MOVE! was, “The best decision I ever made…I feel good about myself now.”

Mitchell joined a virtual MOVE! group at the start of the COVID pandemic and says group members encouraged each other, and hearing others’ stories helped to not fall into certain patterns.

Most Veterans enrolled in MOVE! participate in the group setting, but there also is an option for meeting with a dietitian individually to complete the program. Both in-person and virtual group options are available, and Veterans also can also sign up to receive text messages for additional accountability and guidance.

Sarah Richards, Columbus VA MOVE! coordinator describes the program as an education and support system for sustainable lifestyles. A collaborative team of healthcare professionals make up the MOVE! program including two dietitians, two health psychologists, one recreation therapist, one physical therapy assistant, one health technician and one pharmacist.  

Healthy habits are one of the key features of the program. Richards explained, “Habits are important. Of the 16 classes half of them are about behavior, or habits. For example, how you can set up your environment to help you in your health goals and what can you change in your environment to prevent a slip.”

Mitchell also emphasized how valuable Richards was in the entire process saying, “You’re never discouraged or scolded in the group. Never made to feel bad.”

Since he started, Mitchell completed the entire MOVE! program multiple times. All Veterans are encouraged to repeat MOVE! as often as they wish or transition to individual check-ins with their dietitian for maintenance. Richards always informs MOVE! participants that Veterans tend to have the most long-term success by participating weekly for at least six months.

After one full year in MOVE! Mitchell lost 79 pounds and is currently maintaining.

His parting thought for Veterans considering MOVE! is, “I would like to encourage everyone who has health issues with weight to give MOVE! a chance and put their heart into it.”

Army Veteran Robin Ingram discovered MOVE! through primary care and initially thought the idea was nuts.

She now admits she had the wrong perception and said, “I had lots of serious medical issues and thought I don’t want someone telling me when to move or what to eat.”

Ingram got involved with MOVE! in November 2020 through a women’s virtual group.

“They were so open and honest. It was helpful to be around like-minded people with goals,” said Ingram. “It was like sisterhood…I haven’t felt that camaraderie since the Army.”

Before joining MOVE! Ingram was planning to talk to her primary care provider about a home health aide.

She said, “I was at my health bottom. I am having very different conversations with my providers now. I am a participant in my own health now.”

She lost 39 pounds in four months and her encouragement to others facing health issues is to take the first step.

“No matter how old or sick you are you can benefit from it. It’s not too late,” she said. “MOVE! is for every age and every stage.”

Richards helped both Mitchell and Ingram redefine what exercise is and emphasized all movement is good movement. MOVE! teaches the information but doesn’t tell patients what to do.

“MOVE! is patient-centered and patient-driven. Healthy living isn’t a one-size-fits-all solution,” said Richards. “The program gives you all the tools for the toolbox of healthy living and they pick the best tools for them to reach their goals.”

Columbus VA patients interested in MOVE! can contact nutrition services at 614-257-5479 for more information.

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