Women's Wellness Wednesday
Wed. Jul 26, 2023, 10:00 am – 11:00 am ET
151 Magnolia Village Parkway
Orangeburg, SC
Women's Health and Mental Health invite all women Veterans in Sumter, Florence, and Orangeburg to join us for Women's Wellness Wednesday at the Orangeburg Clinic on Wednesday, July 26 at 10:00am. The purpose of Women's Wellness Wednesday is to increase women Veteran's access to health care information, services, and treatment providers.
This program will focus on everything women want to know about menopause, managing the symptoms, and current treatment options. You will also get to meet the Women Veterans Program Manager and Women's Mental Health Champion for the Columbia VA Health Care System. They will answer your questions about women's health services available and how to access those services. We invite all women Veterans to join us.