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The VA Greater Los Angeles VA Recognizes Hospitalized Veterans During National Salute to Veteran Patients Week


February 10, 2023

Los Angeles , CA — LOS ANGELES – The VA Greater Los Angeles Healthcare System (VAGLAHS) will recognize and honor hospitalized Veterans from Feb. 12-18 during National Salute to Veteran Patients week.

Since 1978, VA has used the week of Valentine’s Day to provide a week long commemoration for Veterans. Local commemoration efforts include three events with community support:

Feb. 10 - Valentine’s Day Dance, sponsored by National Council For Negro Women, Holy Helping Hands, Daughters of the American Revolution, American Red Cross, and American Legion

Feb. 13 -Bedside Visit by members of the American Red Cross and American Legion

Feb. 14 - National Salute B-B-Q, sponsored by the South Central Elks, Soldiers Angels, American Red Cross

A host of other regularly scheduled volunteers and occasional volunteers from the community will be assisting.

In 2022, schools, community groups and youth organizations sent more than 400 valentines to Veterans hospitalized in the VA Greater Los Angeles Healthcare System. Additionally, more than 60 volunteers and community organizations contributed to events and activities recognizing hospitalized Veterans.

In addition to donations and as a compliment to in-person volunteer assignments, VA also provides volunteers with virtual and remote assignments which allows them to safely support Veteran inpatients during the pandemic.

Learn more about volunteer opportunities at VA Greater Los Angeles Healthcare System visit or call the volunteer services at 310-268-4350.
