20th Annual Compton Stand Down
Sat. Sep 23, 2023, 6:00 am – 12:00 pm PT
Compton Chamber of Commerce
700 N. Bullis Road
Compton, CA
Spread the word! We will be at the 20th Annual Compton Stand Down from Saturday, September 23 through Monday, September 25. Doors open at 6 a.m. on Saturday, September 23.
Presented by the Compton Chamber of Commerce, services include:
- Employment assistance
- Housing assistance
- Legal assistance
- Medical and vision exams
- Mental health counseling
- Chiropractic/acupuncture
- Massage therapy
- Clothing and hygiene kits
- Showers and hair cuts
- hot meals
- and much more...
Veterans, pre-register for faster check-in with Melanie Martins at 562-826-8000, ext. 12054
For additional information, please contact:
Charlie Lonon at 562-400-1485 or email her at charlie.lonon@gmail.com
Dr. Lestean M. Johnson at 310-631-8611 or email her at cptchamber@aol.com