Women Veterans Virtual Public Forum
Want to be the first to know about current trends and information pertaining to women Veterans? Please join us for our virtual public forum: “What’s Up With Women’s Health?”
Attendees will get the chance to meet members of the Women’s Health Team, hear about expected growth of the Women Veterans population, and learn about Intimate Partner Violence from guest speaker Melinda Collett.
The public forum will begin at 5:00 p.m. EST and will end at 6:00 p.m EST on March 29. Please see below for the Webex link to this virtual event: veteransaffairs.webex.com/wbxmjs/joinservice/sites/veteransaffairs/meeting/download/e5b899f5d0ff4132a0acce03fdff1090?siteurl=veteransaffairs&MTID=med5052403d50f676f7e18c6b7ddb3dd0
Meeting number (access code): 2764 149 8341
Meeting password: Pvx3NNE4k?2