Martinsburg VAMC WWII Veteran remembers his own fireworks

Chances to meet WWII Veterans become fewer as the years go on and are treasured visits at the Martinsburg VAMC. Medical center leadership learned that Charles Town native and WWII U.S. Navy Veteran Carroll Bond was on campus for an appointment and took the opportunity to present him with a WWII service pin.
The medical center presents these and other conflict service pins as their own personal way of recognizing and thanking Veterans for their service.
Mr. Bond is a Veteran of the U.S. Navy and was assigned to landing ship tanks (LSTs) in the South Pacific which carried troops to shore for amphibious assaults. Mr. Bond said he “was at all the beaches” during his time in uniform.
His unit was making preparations to invade mainland Japan when his crew got the call that the war was over. Laughingly recalls how all the ships in sight let off their tracer rounds to light up sky “with their own 4th of July fireworks” in response to this victorious news.
The Martinsburg VAMC is honored to be the health care facility of choice for Mr. Bond and all the Veterans they serve.