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One year of providing healthcare to over 100 homeless Veterans

Community Resource and Referral Center (CRRC) started outreach thanks to a brand new Mobile Medical Unit
By Sandra Roy, Public Affairs Specialist

One year ago, the Community Resource and Referral Center (CRRC) started outreach thanks to a brand new Mobile Medical Unit (MMU).

The MMU is a medically equipped van that provides on the spot clinical services for Veterans experiencing homelessness. The van is easily identifiable by patriotic branding and brings services to Veterans where they live and re-engages them with resources and healthcare benefits they have earned. 

“MMUs provide a one-stop shop for wrap-around services that are integrated and coordinated. The vehicle allows VA staff to expand outreach to homeless Veterans at highest risk and vulnerability allowing for better health outcomes for Veterans that would otherwise not access care” said Jodi Paulsen, MMU Outreach Supervisor.

On the very first day of outreach, last October, the first Veteran that came to the MMU was an individual that CRRC staff had been looking for out in the community for a long time. He recognized the VA logo on the van parked at the St. Paul Opportunity Center. He was an unsheltered Veteran that had been very difficult to reach and engage with as he had no address or phone. Since that day, CRRC staff have relied on the MMU to maintain regular contact with the Veteran and engaged him in medical and housing needs.  With regular weekly contact staff were able to provide weather specific clothing, hygiene items and food. The Veteran was assisted in maintaining regular primary care appointments and basic medical needs on the MMU. He was connected to case management services through the Health Care for Homeless Veterans team and eventually the Veteran was provided stable housing. 

The VA has developed a Nationwide initiative to increase healthcare to homeless individuals who are not getting the care that they desperately need. With homeless individuals, homelessness is taking precedence, so they are not going to their primary or specialty care appointments. Instead, they are either going without care or accessing care through emergency departments. Veterans are not able to follow up on medical needs such as medications, wound care, treatments, and vaccinations. Due to ongoing homelessness, Veterans are also struggling with substance use, mental health and legal issues. The MMU is another avenue to connect Veterans to much needed support.

In the first 12 months of service, the CRRC staff have seen over one hundred eligible Veterans in the MMU. There are also many ineligible Veterans that are also being seen and they are getting connected and into the VA system. In the next year, outreach within the community will continue to increase exposure and Veterans encounters. Future outreach plans include adding more metro locations and expanding to rural communities and increasing services by staffing two doctors and a nurse.

MMU operations have seen a positive impact on the number of homeless Veterans connecting to primary care and a decrease in “no show” rates. It has been improving relationships and trust throughout the community and Veterans now recognize the van and are seeking it out. Community providers also recognizing the van and have asked the Minneapolis VA team to bring the MMU to Veteran resource events, increasing visibility of VA services. 

Currently the MMU provides outreach at the St. Paul Opportunity Center, Higher Ground, Dorothy Day every Wed. from 1 p.m. - 3 p.m. and the Union Gospel Mission every Tuesday from 12 p.m.-2 p.m. The MMU schedule is posted on the Minneapolis VA events website Events | VA Minneapolis Health Care | Veterans Affairs.