News Releases
Get the latest news and information from Montana VA-area medical centers and clinics. For more information about Montana VA health care, contact our Public Affairs Office at 406-447-7303.
Beginning today, all Veterans who were exposed to toxins and other hazards while serving in the military – at home or abroad – are now eligible to enroll directly in VA health care.
The Montana VA Health Care System will recognize and honor hospitalized Veterans from Feb. 11-17 during National Salute to Veteran Patients by facilitating visits to hospitalized Veterans, promoting volunteer opportunities, and accepting Valentine’s Day cards to be given to all Veterans.
The Department of Veteran Affairs’ Office of Inspector General (OIG) released its findings on Feb. 6, concerning the Chief of Staff’s Provision of Care Without Privileges, Quality of Care Deficiencies, and Leaders’ Failures at the Montana VA Health Care System in Helena.
Montana VA Health Care System is hosting a virtual Women Veterans town hall will take place on Thursday, Feb. 8, beginning at 5:00 p.m.
The Veterans Health Administration awarded a contract on January 30th for a new Community Living Center in Miles City, Montana.
Today, VA announced the availability of $52.5 million in grants to community-based organizations that provide or coordinate suicide prevention services for Veterans and their families.
The Montana VA Health Care System invites all Helena-area Veterans to stop by the Fort Harrison VA Clinic (in the Rec Hall) for the Recreational Therapy Open House on Thursday, Nov. 30, from 8:30 a.m. until 4:00 p.m.
Montana VA Encourages Veterans to Be Breast Cancer Aware
Statewide Flu Clinics among Options for Enrolled Veterans to Get Their Flu Shot
Drive-Up Flu Shot Clinic Occurring at Travis W. Atkins VA Clinic