Read about what's happening in our VA Northern Indiana health care community.
VA Northern Indiana Health Care System (VANIHCS) would like to recognize Megan Snyder for her outstanding service and dedication to the Veterans of Indiana while serving as a social worker at St. Joseph County VA Clinic.
When the pandemic shut down a popular healthy cooking class, some “VA Food Network” stars were born.
This week VA Northern Indiana Health Care System (VANIHCS) held its 5th annual baby shower. 26 Veteran mothers and 28 babies were celebrated with a drive-thru baby shower at the Fort Wayne, Marion and Mishawaka locations.
Eric Bilbrey, an Electronics Mechanic at VA Northern Indiana Health Care System (VANIHCS) was presented with a Directors Coin to recognize his heroic and lifesaving actions.
The December St. Joseph County VA Clinic food pantry supported 81 Veterans.
VA Northern Indiana is requesting submissions from our Veterans to be featured in our Veteran of the Week.