VA Northern Indiana and IDVA celebrate Women Vets during Health Mixer
VA Northern Indiana Health Care System (VANIHCS) partnered with Indiana Department of Veteran Affairs (IDVA) to host their 2nd Women Veterans Health Mixer on June 12th.
June 12th marks the anniversary of the Women’s Armed Services Integration Act. In 1948, President Harry S. Truman signed into law the Women's Armed Services Integration Act, which allowed women to serve as regular members of the Army, Navy, Air Force and Marine Corps. Before the signing of this Act, women serving in the military could only enlist as volunteers in clerical positions or work as nurses. Today, there are more than two million women Veterans in the United States and continue to be the fastest-growing group of Veterans.
The goal of our Women’s mixer is to provide the opportunity for women Veterans to engage with VA health care facility programs, learn about community resources for Veterans and meet with other women Veterans.
The event was kicked off with opening remarks from Fort Wayne’s Mayor, Sharon Tucker and Jennifer Hiester, Chief Quality Manger Chief and Coast Guard Veteran. Sheila Corcoran, Indiana VFW State Commander also attended as a special guest.
Veterans were then treated to free canvas painting donated by Kanvas Kreations, live music was performed by VANIHCS music therapy, and VA Center for Development & Civic Engagement (CDCE) helped provide refreshments, gift bags, and door prizes.
“This year’s mixer was extra special because we had to the opportunity to recognize three women Veterans (Mary Lou Aurtrey, Lisa Ann Wilken, and Dorothy Marie Simpson-Taylor) who have been inducted into the Indiana Military Veterans Hall of Fame,” said Kasandra Johnson, VANIHCS Women Veteran Program Manager.
VANIHCS would like to thank all the participating VANIHCS programs, community partners, and our extraordinary women Veterans for such a successful event.
Happy Women Veterans Recognition Day.