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Virtual Veterans Day Symposium

Family huddled together around their Veteran Virtual Veterans Day Symposium Remembering our History and honoring our future 11/9/22 12-3:30 p.m. ET





Join us in a salute to Veterans Day by attending our Virtual Veterans Day Symposium.

“Remembering Our History and Honoring Our Future“ will look back on Veterans’ remarkable history and discuss resources and benefits available for Veterans including:

When: November 9 from 12:00 p.m. to 3:30 p.m. Eastern

How/Where: Virtual: Join on your computer or mobile app via WebEx, or call-in (audio only) at 1-404-3971596, Access Code: 2760 145 0095.

Brought to you by Veterans Benefits Administration’s (VBA) Office of Outreach, Transition and Economic Development (OTED).

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