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Director's Message May 13, 2022

Dr. Adam Robinson, director VAPIHCS

Here at VA Pacific Islands Health Care System (VAPIHCS), we are always looking for new ways to get information out to you.

In that spirit, we have started a new podcast called “VAPIHCS Talk Story.” Each episode will bring you exciting new information about things we’re doing.

Tripler Army Medical Center Change of Command

On Monday, May 9, 2022 Tripler Army Medical Center (TAMC) said goodbye to Commander Col. Martin Doperak. I was grateful to be able to work in partnership with such an experienced leader. The new Commander of TAMC is Col. Bill Soliz, and I look forward to working with him to continue -and potentially to expand- our partnership. We’ve had the good fortune to have always enjoyed a fruitful partnership with TAMC, and I know that will continue under the new leadership. 

Military Appreciation Month

VAPIHCS serves Veterans from all branches of service. During Military Appreciation Month, let's take a moment to thank our Navy, Army, Air Force, Marines, Coast Guard, and Space Force. We are grateful to all those who wear the cloth of our nation, and who protect this great country that we call home.

National Military Appreciation Month provides an opportunity to take time to think about both the history of our military, and a chance to think about the diversity of its individuals and achievements. It allows Americans to educate each generation on the historical impact of our military through the participation of the community with those who serve, encouraging patriotism and love for America. Thank you to all who serve today, and all those who have served. You make our nation great!

Research Week

Next week is research week, and here at VA Pacific Islands Health Care System (VAPIHCS) we will have several talks and events to celebrate. It’s a good opportunity to talk about the work that we do at the VA to advance medical science, and how critical it is that we get your help to do it. We are recruiting for two very important projects, and we hope you will participate if you can. 

The first project is the Million Veteran Program (MVP,) which is a project where genetic information in collected from Veterans via a blood sample to learn more about genetic diseases, and the effect of genetics on health. This study is open to any Veteran, and you can join the project by getting in touch with Andre Theriault via email: or by phone: (808) 295-3423. 

VAPIHCS is also conducting a study into neurofeedback. This is a cutting-edge field of science which may help Veterans with Traumatic Brain Injuries (TBI) and Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD.) To participate in this study, researchers are looking for post-concussive Veterans who have symptoms such as trouble sleeping and headaches. To learn more, you can contact Judy Carlson via email: or by phone: (808) 433-6677.

Mental Health Month

Here at VAPIHCS, we are committed to providing safe, compassionate, quality care to the men and women who have worn the cloth of our nation. Since this is Mental Health Month, it’s a good time to highlight some of the services that we offer. If you or someone you know needs help, please reach out. The number for the Veterans Crisis line is 1-800-273-8255, then press 1. You can also text 838255. Additionally, you can all our main line 1-800-214-1306, select option 4 to speak with someone in Mental Health Services

You may also want to save the following numbers:

National Domestic Violence Hotline:  1-800-799-7233 (SAFE)
National Sexual Assault Hotline:  1-800-656-4673 (HOPE)
National Human Trafficking Hotline: 1-800-273-8255

In addition to these resources, you may also be interested in our Whole Health program. Health care is about more than just prescribing people medications. The goal of any doctor should be to help a patient live their best life. The theory of Whole Health is based on the idea that a patient will be more motivated to make healthy choices if those choices are oriented toward their goals. A healthy mind and body are meant to work together, and Whole Health can make that easier. 

Fourth Shot

We are currently offering the COVID-19 Fourth Shot to anyone who is over 50 or  immunocompromised. Anyone who qualifies can make an appointment to come to one of our clinics and get fully vaccinated. Please call 1-800-214-1306 to make an appointment. Remember, being fully vaccinated is the best way to protect yourself from COVID-19. 

Home-Based Primary Care

Whole Health is focused on Moving the Body for the month of May and the Healthy Living message is “Be Physically Active.” There are many VAPIHCS programs that help veterans to stay engaged in physical activity. The Home-Based Primary Care program at VAPIHCS has veterans moving! The staff started movement groups to help veterans remain active after considering the Veterans' response to what matters most to them included retaining as much independence as possible. The movement groups have been a hit among Veterans. It is an inspirational story of a wonderful team approach to Whole Health in which the team and the patients benefit. 


VAPIHCS will be holding an Adopt-A-Highway service event on May 21, 2022. The event will be at 7:00 a.m. at Ke’ehi Lagoon. Please remember your hats, sunscreen, and sunglasses. We also recommend you bring your favorite gloves, although gloves will be provided as needed. This is such a wonderful chance to get out and do some good in the community, as well as to get some exercise. Thank you to those who organized this event and thank you to all employees who have signed up to attend. 

Message from Chaplain Richie Charles 

Progress Before Perfection 

An ancient wise saying once said: “The farmer who watches the wind will never plant; whoever looks at the clouds will never reap.” The imagery behind this quote pictures a farmer who knows that he needs to plant seeds during the sowing season if he wants to reap a harvest later on. But every day, the farmer comes outside looking for the ideal moment to start doing what he knows should be done. With squinting eyes, the farmer looks up and peers at the clouds, and observes the wind speeds and wind directions, only to keep his bag of seeds safely stored away, as the weather never seems to be exactly right to start planting. And since the weather isn’t exactly perfect, the farmer says to himself, “maybe I’ll try again tomorrow”.  Well tomorrow comes, and keeps coming, and unfortunately, before he knows it, the sowing season has already passed, and his golden opportunity is gone.

This captures the paralyzing effect that seeking for the perfect opportunity can have in inhibiting us from making progress towards our dreams and goals. Waiting for the perfect can leave us with an “all or nothing approach” to pursuing goals. That is, unless all conditions are exactly right, then nothing will ever get started. But the reality is that a perfect time, place, or moment is often an illusion. Often, there never really is a perfect time or condition when it’s just right to do what should be done. The conditions may never feel exactly “right”. And if one looks for hooks upon which to hang their doubts, they’ll find plenty; we can always discover new reasons why now is not the best time to move forward. Often however, the best time to make progress towards our goals is now. 

Have you ever found yourself mulling over an idea, but never executing on it? A good, but simple strategy to help is to go ahead and take that first step – write that first e-mail, or make the first phone call. Those small beginnings are crucial, because it can often serve as a catalyst for generating greater momentum towards making progress. Sometimes motivation can fizzle away when one delays too long to get started, but the good news is that progress often begets progress. Taking the first step helps to get the “ball rolling”, and thereby makes the second and third step more likely. So whatever goal or idea you have, especially those that can result in you offering an even better service to our Veterans, explore appropriate ways to get started, and watch and see how those seeds will start sprouting.  

Have a safe and happy weekend!

One Team, One Ohana!
Adam M. Robinson, Jr., MD, MBA, CPE 
Director, VA Pacific Islands Health Care System
36th Surgeon General, USN


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