Citation Nr: 0401523 Decision Date: 01/15/04 Archive Date: 01/28/04 DOCKET NO. 02-11 857 ) DATE ) ) On appeal from the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) Regional Office (RO) in San Juan, the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico THE ISSUE Whether new and material evidence has been submitted to reopen the claim of service connection for a psychiatric disorder. REPRESENTATION Appellant represented by: American Red Cross ATTORNEY FOR THE BOARD Christopher Maynard, Counsel INTRODUCTION The veteran had active service from January 12, to March 4, 1976. In November 1981, the Board of Veterans Appeals (Board) denied service connection for schizophrenia. By rating action in May 1982, the RO found that new and material evidence had not been submitted to reopen the claim of service connection for schizophrenia. The veteran and his representative were notified of this decision and did not appeal. This matter comes before the Board on appeal from a March 2002 decision by the RO which found that new and material evidence had not been submitted to reopen the claim of service connection for schizophrenia. In light of the decision hereinbelow, the issue on appeal will be REMANDED to the RO via the Appeals Management Center (AMC) in Washington, DC. VA will notify you if further action is required on your part. FINDINGS OF FACT 1. Service connection for schizophrenia was last finally denied by an unappealed rating decision by the RO in May 1982. 2. The additional evidence received since the May 1982 rating decision is new and material and is so significant that it must be considered in order to fairly decide the merits of the claim. CONCLUSIONS OF LAW 1. The May 1982 RO decision which denied service connection for schizophrenia is final. 38 U.S.C.A. § 7105(a) (West 2002); 38 C.F.R. § 20.1103 (2003). 2. New and material evidence has been submitted to reopen the claim of service connection for a psychiatric disorder. 38 U.S.C.A. §§ 5100, 5102, 5103, 5103A, 5106, 5107, 5108 (West 2002); C.F.R. §§ 3.104(a), 3.156(a), 20.1105 (2003). REASONS AND BASES FOR FINDINGS AND CONCLUSIONS During the pendency of this appeal, the Veterans Claims Assistance Act of 2000 (VCAA), Pub. L. No. 106-475, 114 Stat. 2096 (2000), was signed into law. The Act and implementing regulations essentially eliminate the requirement that a claimant submit evidence of a well-grounded claim, and provides that VA will assist a claimant in obtaining evidence necessary to substantiate a claim but is not required to provide assistance to a claimant if there is no reasonable possibility that such assistance would aid in substantiating the claim. It also includes new notification provisions. As a general rule, the change in the law is applicable to all claims filed on or after the date of enactment of the VCAA, or filed before the date of enactment and not yet final as of that date. With respect to claims requiring new and material evidence, the VCAA states that, "[n]othing in this section shall be construed to require the Secretary to reopen a claim that has been disallowed except when new and material evidence is presented." 38 U.S.C.A. § 5103A(f). Thus, it is necessary that the case be adjudicated initially by the Board on the issue of whether new and material evidence is of record to reopen the claim of service connection for a psychiatric disorder. See Barnett v. Brown, 83 F.3d 1380, 1383 (Fed. Cir. 1996); Marsh v. West, 11 Vet. App. 468, 471 (1998); Smith (Irma) v. Brown, 10 Vet. App. 330, 332 (1997). If it is determined that such evidence has been presented, the claim will be reopened, and any required development would be undertaken. See Elkins v. West, 12 Vet. App. 209 (1999). It should also be noted that the regulation pertaining to the definition of new and material has been amended. 38 C.F.R. § 3.156(a) (2003). However, this amendment is effective only for claims filed on or after August 29, 2001. In the instant case, a request to reopen the claim for a psychiatric disorder was received in February 2001. Consequently, the current appeal will be decided under the old version of § 3.156(a) as is outlined in the decision below. Finality Service connection for schizophrenia was denied by the Board in November 1981, and a request to reopen the claim was last denied by the RO in May 1982. Therefore, the laws and regulations governing finality and reopening of a previously disallowed claim is pertinent in the consideration of the issue on appeal. Under pertinent law and VA regulations, as interpreted by the United States Court of Appeals for Veterans Claims (hereinafter, "the Court"), the Board may reopen and review a claim which has been previously denied if new and material evidence is submitted by or on behalf of the appellant. 38 U.S.C.A. § 5108 (West 2002); 38 C.F.R. § 3.156(a) (2003). New and Material Evidence In March 2002, the RO determined that new and material evidence had not been submitted the claim for service connection for schizophrenia. The Board, in the first instance, must also rule on the matter of reopening a claim. The Board has a jurisdictional responsibility to consider whether it is proper for a claim to be reopened, . Jackson v. Principi, 265 F.3d 1366 at 1369 (Fed. Cir. 2001) and Barnett v. Brown, 83 F.3d 1380 (Fed. Cir. 1996). Thus the Board must consider whether new and material evidence has been submitted. Pursuant to 38 C.F.R. § 3.156(a), new and material evidence means existing evidence not previously submitted to agency decision-makers. Material evidence means existing evidence that, by itself or when considered with previous evidence of record, relates to an unestablished fact necessary to substantiate the claim. New and material evidence can be neither cumulative nor redundant of the evidence of record at the time of the last prior final denial of the claim sought to be reopened, and must raise a reasonable possibility of substantiating the claim. Thus, if the newly presented evidence is not "new," the claim to reopen fails on that basis and no further analysis of the evidence is required. Similarly, if "new" evidence is not "material," in the sense that, when considered by itself or in connection with evidence previously assembled, raises a reasonable possibility of substantiating the claim, the claim to reopen fails on that basis and the inquiry ends. 38 C.F.R. § 3.156. If the evidence is determined to be both new and material, VA reopens the claim and evaluates the merits after ensuring that the duty to assist has been fulfilled. The provisions of 38 U.S.C.A. § 5108 require a review of all evidence submitted by a claimant since the previously disallowed claim in order to determine whether a claim must be reopened. See Evans v. Brown, 9 Vet. App. 273, 282-3 (1996). Furthermore, for purposes of the "new and material" analysis, the credibility of the evidence is presumed. Justus v. Principi, 3 Vet. App. 510, 512-513 (1992). In November 1981, the Board denied service connection for schizophrenia. The pertinent evidence of record at the time of that decision included the service medical records, an August 1976 VA psychiatric examination report, numerous VA out- and inpatient treatment records from August 1976 to 1979, two private psychiatric evaluation reports dated in July and November 1978, several lay statements from family and friends, and a transcript of a personal hearing at the RO in October 1978. In that decision, the Board determined that the there was no evidence of an acquired psychiatric disorder during the veteran's short period of military service. Furthermore, while he was initially diagnosed with a psychosis (schizophrenia) within one year of discharge from service, he did not have the requisite 90-days of active service required for presumption of service incurrence of a psychosis under the governing law and regulations. In April 1982, the veteran requested that his claim of service connection for a psychiatric disorder be reopened. In May 1982, the RO found that the evidence added to the record, a December 1981 VA treatment report showing continued treatment for schizophrenia, was cumulative and redundant of information previously considered, and denied the request to reopen the claim. The veteran and his representative were notified of this decision and did not appeal. The evidence added to the record since the May 1982 RO decision includes additional VA treatment records from 2000 to 2001 and a February 2003 private psychiatric evaluation report. The private psychiatric report diagnosed post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and marked paranoid characteristics with schizophrenia and provided an opinion relating those diagnoses to military service. The opinion providing a nexus between schizophrenia and service is new and material, and is so significant that it must be considered in order to decide fairly the merits of the claim. 38 C.F.R. § 3.156. Having decided that private medical report is new and material, there is no need to discuss whether the other evidence is likewise new and material as the claim will be reopened solely on the basis of this evidence. ORDER To the extent that new and material evidence has been submitted to reopen the claim of service connection for a psychiatric disorder, the appeal to reopen is granted. REMAND In view of the favorable decision by the Board that new and material evidence has been submitted to reopen the claim for a psychiatric disorder, the RO must now consider the issue on a de novo basis. Additional development is required prior to adjudication of this issue. In the instant case, the veteran asserts that he was sexually assaulted by fellow soldiers shortly after he entered military service, and that his current psychiatric problems, including post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) are related to that incident. As noted above, the veteran was diagnosed with schizophrenia several months after discharge from service, but was denied service connection by the Board on the grounds that there was no evidence of a psychiatric disorder in service and that he did not have the required 90 days of active service for consideration of the presumption of service incurrence for a psychosis under 38 C.F.R. § 3.307(a)(1). However, in addition to schizophrenia, the veteran's current diagnosis now includes PTSD which has been attributed to the claimed sexual assault in service. PTSD is a neurosis, not a psychosis, and is not precluded from consideration of service incurrence by reason of the presumptive limitations of 38 C.F.R. § 3.307. In effect, the additional diagnosis provides a new basis of entitlement which has not been previously considered. Furthermore, in PTSD cases where the veteran asserts personal assault as the in-service stressor, VA has a heightened duty to assist in gathering evidence corroborating the in-service stressors in accordance with the provisions of VA Adjudication Manual M21-1. Patton v. West, 12 Vet. App. 272 (1999). In such cases, M21-1 provides an extensive list of alternative sources competent to provide credible evidence that may support the conclusion that the event occurred. See M21-1, part III, 5.14(c). As there has been no development of the claim under M21-1, the Board finds that addition action must be take to ensure that the VA's duty to assist the veteran in the development of his claim has been complied with. In light of the discussion above, and to ensure full compliance with due process requirements, it is the decision of the Board that further development is necessary prior to appellate review. Accordingly, the claim is REMANDED to the RO for the following action: 1. The RO must review the claims file and ensure that all notification and development actions required by the VCAA and implementing regulations are fully complied with. Compliance requires that the veteran be notified, via letter, of any information, and any medical or lay evidence, not previously provided to the Secretary, that is necessary to substantiate the claim. A general form letter, prepared by the RO, not specifically addressing the disability or disabilities at issue, is not acceptable. The RO must indicate which portion of that information and evidence, if any, is to be provided by the claimant, and which portion, if any, the Secretary will attempt to obtain on behalf of the claimant. After the veteran and his representative have been given notice as required by 38 U.S.C.A. § 5103(a), (see also Quartuccio, supra), they should be given the opportunity to respond. 2. The RO should take appropriate steps to contact the veteran and obtain a detailed description of the events surrounding his claimed sexual assault during service. The RO's inquiry should include possible sources listed in M21-1, part III, 5.14(c)(5). The veteran should be as specific as possible as to the date, place, and circumstances of the incident, and the names of any individuals involved. The veteran is advised that he may provide official copies of his high school transcripts or report cards, and a brief explanation for his decision to drop out of high school. 3. The RO should also obtain and associate with the claims folder the veteran's military personnel file (DA Form 20) and all records pertaining to any disciplinary actions. All available administrative actions or reports concerning his early discharge from service should be obtained. 4. The veteran should be afforded a VA psychiatric examination to determine the correct diagnosis and, if feasible, date of onset of any identified psychiatric disorder, to include whether he has PTSD under the criteria in DSM IV. Prior to the examination, the claims folder must be made available to the physician for review. A notation to the effect that this record review took place should be included in the report of the examiner. All appropriate testing should be undertaken in connection with the examination. The psychiatrist should describe all findings in detail and provide a complete rationale for all opinions offered. If PTSD is diagnosed, the physician should clearly identify the claimed events which are considered stressors supporting the diagnosis, and fully explain why the stressors are considered sufficient under DSM-IV. The physician should describe all findings in detail and provide a complete rationale for all opinions offered. Furthermore, the examiner should render an opinion as to whether the presently diagnosed schizophrenia was present in service. 5. The veteran must be given adequate notice of the date and place of any requested examination. A copy of all notifications must be associated with the claims folder. The veteran is hereby advised that failure to report for a scheduled VA examination without good cause shown may have adverse effects on his claim. 6. After the requested development has been completed, the RO should review the veteran's claim. The RO should adjudicate the merits of the claim based on all the evidence of record and all governing legal authority, including the VCAA of 2000 and implementing regulations, and any additional information obtained as a result of this remand. If the benefits sought on appeal remain denied, the veteran and his representative should be furnished a Supplemental Statement of the Case and given the opportunity to respond thereto. The RO is advised that they are to make a determination based on the law and regulations in effect at the time of their decision, to include any further changes in VCAA or other applicable legislation. Thereafter, the case should be returned to the Board for further appellate review, if in order. The Board intimates no opinion, either legal or factual, as to the ultimate outcome of this case. The veteran need take no action unless otherwise notified. The veteran has the right to submit additional evidence and argument on the matter or matters the Board has remanded to the regional office. Kutscherousky v. West, 12 Vet. App. 369 (1999). This claim must be afforded expeditious treatment by the RO. The law requires that all claims that are remanded by the Board of Veterans' Appeals or by the United States Court of Appeals for Veterans Claims for additional development or other appropriate action must be handled in an expeditious manner. See The Veterans' Benefits Improvements Act of 1994, Pub. L. No. 103-446, § 302, 108 Stat. 4645, 4658 (1994), 38 U.S.C.A. § 5101 (West 2002) (Historical and Statutory Notes). In addition, VBA's Adjudication Procedure Manual, M21-1, Part IV, directs the ROs to provide expeditious handling of all cases that have been remanded by the Board and the Court. See M21-1, Part IV, paras. 8.43 and 38.02. RENÉE M. PELLETIER Veterans Law Judge, Board of Veterans' Appeals Department of Veterans Affairs YOUR RIGHTS TO APPEAL OUR DECISION The attached decision by the Board of Veterans' Appeals (BVA or Board) is the final decision for all issues addressed in the "Order" section of the decision. The Board may also choose to remand an issue or issues to the local VA office for additional development. If the Board did this in your case, then a "Remand" section follows the "Order." However, you cannot appeal an issue remanded to the local VA office because a remand is not a final decision. The advice below on how to appeal a claim applies only to issues that were allowed, denied, or dismissed in the "Order." If you are satisfied with the outcome of your appeal, you do not need to do anything. We will return your file to your local VA office to implement the BVA's decision. However, if you are not satisfied with the Board's decision on any or all of the issues allowed, denied, or dismissed, you have the following options, which are listed in no particular order of importance: ? Appeal to the United States Court of Appeals for Veterans Claims (Court) ? File with the Board a motion for reconsideration of this decision ? File with the Board a motion to vacate this decision ? File with the Board a motion for revision of this decision based on clear and unmistakable error. Although it would not affect this BVA decision, you may choose to also: ? Reopen your claim at the local VA office by submitting new and material evidence. There is no time limit for filing a motion for reconsideration, a motion to vacate, or a motion for revision based on clear and unmistakable error with the Board, or a claim to reopen at the local VA office. None of these things is mutually exclusive - you can do all five things at the same time if you wish. However, if you file a Notice of Appeal with the Court and a motion with the Board at the same time, this may delay your case because of jurisdictional conflicts. If you file a Notice of Appeal with the Court before you file a motion with the BVA, the BVA will not be able to consider your motion without the Court's permission. How long do I have to start my appeal to the Court? You have 120 days from the date this decision was mailed to you (as shown on the first page of this decision) to file a Notice of Appeal with the United States Court of Appeals for Veterans Claims. If you also want to file a motion for reconsideration or a motion to vacate, you will still have time to appeal to the Court. As long as you file your motion(s) with the Board within 120 days of the date this decision was mailed to you, you will then have another 120 days from the date the BVA decides the motion for reconsideration or the motion to vacate to appeal to the Court. You should know that even if you have a representative, as discussed below, it is your responsibility to make sure that your appeal to Court is filed on time. How do I appeal to the United States Court of Appeals for Veterans Claims? Send your Notice of Appeal to the Court at: Clerk, U.S. Court of Appeals for Veterans Claims 625 Indiana Avenue, NW, Suite 900 Washington, DC 20004-2950 You can get information about the Notice of Appeal, the procedure for filing a Notice of Appeal, the filing fee (or a motion to waive the filing fee if payment would cause financial hardship), and other matters covered by the Court's rules directly from the Court. You can also get this information from the Court's web site on the Internet at, and you can download forms directly from that website. The Court's facsimile number is (202) 501-5848. To ensure full protection of your right of appeal to the Court, you must file your Notice of Appeal with the Court, not with the Board, or any other VA office. How do I file a motion for reconsideration? You can file a motion asking the BVA to reconsider any part of this decision by writing a letter to the BVA stating why you believe that the BVA committed an obvious error of fact or law in this decision, or stating that new and material military service records have been discovered that apply to your appeal. If the BVA has decided more than one issue, be sure to tell us which issue(s) you want reconsidered. Send your letter to: Director, Management and Administration (014) Board of Veterans' Appeals 810 Vermont Avenue, NW Washington, DC 20420 VA FORM JUN 2003 (RS) 4597 Page 1 CONTINUED Remember, the Board places no time limit on filing a motion for reconsideration, and you can do this at any time. However, if you also plan to appeal this decision to the Court, you must file your motion within 120 days from the date of this decision. How do I file a motion to vacate? You can file a motion asking the BVA to vacate any part of this decision by writing a letter to the BVA stating why you believe you were denied due process of law during your appeal. For example, you were denied your right to representation through action or inaction by VA personnel, you were not provided a Statement of the Case or Supplemental Statement of the Case, or you did not get a personal hearing that you requested. You can also file a motion to vacate any part of this decision on the basis that the Board allowed benefits based on false or fraudulent evidence. Send this motion to the address above for the Director, Management and Administration, at the Board. Remember, the Board places no time limit on filing a motion to vacate, and you can do this at any time. However, if you also plan to appeal this decision to the Court, you must file your motion within 120 days from the date of this decision. How do I file a motion to revise the Board's decision on the basis of clear and unmistakable error? You can file a motion asking that the Board revise this decision if you believe that the decision is based on "clear and unmistakable error" (CUE). Send this motion to the address above for the Director, Management and Administration, at the Board. You should be careful when preparing such a motion because it must meet specific requirements, and the Board will not review a final decision on this basis more than once. You should carefully review the Board's Rules of Practice on CUE, 38 C.F.R. 20.1400 -- 20.1411, and seek help from a qualified representative before filing such a motion. See discussion on representation below. Remember, the Board places no time limit on filing a CUE review motion, and you can do this at any time. How do I reopen my claim? You can ask your local VA office to reopen your claim by simply sending them a statement indicating that you want to reopen your claim. However, to be successful in reopening your claim, you must submit new and material evidence to that office. See 38 C.F.R. 3.156(a). Can someone represent me in my appeal? Yes. You can always represent yourself in any claim before VA, including the BVA, but you can also appoint someone to represent you. An accredited representative of a recognized service organization may represent you free of charge. VA approves these organizations to help veterans, service members, and dependents prepare their claims and present them to VA. An accredited representative works for the service organization and knows how to prepare and present claims. You can find a listing of these organizations on the Internet at: You can also choose to be represented by a private attorney or by an "agent." (An agent is a person who is not a lawyer, but is specially accredited by VA.) If you want someone to represent you before the Court, rather than before VA, then you can get information on how to do so by writing directly to the Court. Upon request, the Court will provide you with a state-by-state listing of persons admitted to practice before the Court who have indicated their availability to represent appellants. This information is also provided on the Court's website at Do I have to pay an attorney or agent to represent me? Except for a claim involving a home or small business VA loan under Chapter 37 of title 38, United States Code, attorneys or agents cannot charge you a fee or accept payment for services they provide before the date BVA makes a final decision on your appeal. If you hire an attorney or accredited agent within 1 year of a final BVA decision, then the attorney or agent is allowed to charge you a fee for representing you before VA in most situations. An attorney can also charge you for representing you before the Court. VA cannot pay fees of attorneys or agents. Fee for VA home and small business loan cases: An attorney or agent may charge you a reasonable fee for services involving a VA home loan or small business loan. For more information, read section 5904, title 38, United States Code. In all cases, a copy of any fee agreement between you and an attorney or accredited agent must be sent to: Office of the Senior Deputy Vice Chairman (012) Board of Veterans' Appeals 810 Vermont Avenue, NW Washington, DC 20420 The Board may decide, on its own, to review a fee agreement for reasonableness, or you or your attorney or agent can file a motion asking the Board to do so. Send such a motion to the address above for the Office of the Senior Deputy Vice Chairman at the Board. VA FORM JUN 2003 (RS) 4597 Page 2