93 Decision Citation: BVA 93-20565 Y93 BOARD OF VETERANS' APPEALS WASHINGTON, D.C. 20420 DOCKET NO. 91-49 282 ) DATE ) ) ) THE ISSUE Entitlement to service connection for a skin condition of the groin. REPRESENTATION Appellant represented by: Disabled American Veterans WITNESS AT HEARING ON APPEAL The Appellant ATTORNEY FOR THE BOARD V. Powell, Associate Counsel INTRODUCTION The veteran served on active duty from May 1943 to September 1948. This matter came before the Board of Veterans' Appeals (hereinafter Board) on appeal from a November 1990 rating decision from the Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, Regional Office (hereinafter RO). A notice of disagreement was received in January 1991. A statement of the case was issued in June 1991. A substantive appeal was received in May 1991. The veteran is represented by Disabled American Veterans. That service organization submitted written argument in November 1991 and May 1992. The Board remanded the case for further development by the agency of original jurisdiction in August 1992. A supplemental statement of the case was issued in December 1992. The case was received and docketed at the Board in June 1993. The case is now ready for appellate review. REMAND The veteran contends that while serving on active duty he developed a skin condition that erupted in his groin area. He maintains that this skin condition has periodically erupted since his discharge from active service. The veteran further contends that his skin condition of the groin is associated with his service connected fungus infection in both feet. In reviewing the record, this panel of the Board notes that a section of the Board remanded this appeal in August 1992, in part, to secure treatment records from the Buffalo, New York, VA Medical Center from October 1989 to the present. It does not appear that an attempt was, in actuality, made to secure such records. Moreover, the veteran now refers to additional treatment records which may be important to this claim. Consistent with the statutory duty to assist the veteran in proving his claim, 38 U.S.C.A. § 5107 (West 1991), this section believes an additional attempt to secure clinical records is called for. Accordingly, the case is being REMANDED for the following actions: 1. An attempt should be made to secure 1965 and 1966 records of treatment from Dr. Eric Dreyfuss identified by the veteran in his letter of February 27, 1993. 2. Outpatient, inpatient and emergency room records pertaining to the veteran's care at the VA Medical Center, Buffalo, New York from 1989 to the present should be secured and associated with the records on appeal. When the above development has been completed, the case should again be reviewed by the originating agency. If the decision remains adverse to the veteran, he and his representative should be furnished a Supplemental Statement of the Case and afforded a reasonable period to respond. Thereafter, subject to current appellate procedures, the case should be returned to the Board for further appellate consideration, if appropriate. The veteran need take no action unless he is further informed. The purpose of this REMAND is to obtain additional evidence and no inference should be drawn regarding the final disposition of the claim. BOARD OF VETERANS' APPEALS WASHINGTON, D.C. 20420 JEFF MARTIN IRVIN H. PEISER, M.D. E. W. SEERY Under 38 U.S.C.A. § 7252 (West 1991), only a decision of the Board of Veterans' Appeals is appealable to the United States Court of Veterans Appeals. This remand is in the nature of a preliminary order and does not constitute a decision of the Board on the merits of your appeal. 38 C.F.R. § 20.1100(b) (1992).