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The primary mission of the West Palm Beach VA Health Care System (WPB VAHCS) Research & Development Program is to improve quality of care through clinical research. Everyone in the organization led by the Research Service is responsible for protecting the research participants’ human rights, safety, and well-being.

Research projects involving human subjects are reviewed by an Institutional Review Board (IRB). The IRB ensures compliance with Federal and State laws, ethical principles required when human participants are involved, and various local regulations. This committee’s main responsibility is to protect the health, welfare, and rights of human research subjects. The WPBVAHCS has partnered with the Bay Pines VA Health Care System (BPVAHCS) IRB to provide IRB services. The WPBVAHCS is also affiliated with other IRB’s, to include the Veterans Health Administration Central Office IRB (for multicenter cooperative studies); the Nova Southeastern University IRB; and other commercial IRBs.

The VA-affiliated non-profit South Florida Veterans Affairs Foundation for Research and Education, Inc. (SFVAFRE) is dedicated to the continuous support of important research topics that facilitate VA research, education, and the enhancement of quality patient care. SFVAFRE assists the WPBVAMC Research & Development Service in conducting research.

Research & Development projects may be funded or unfunded. Funding may be through the VA (awards), other government agencies (e.g., NIH, DoD, etc.) private scientific associations, and pharmaceutical companies. Major areas of clinical research include COVID-19, cardiology, mental health, neuromusculoskeletal medicine, oncology, pulmonary/critical care medicine, pharmacology, and gastroenterology, among others.

For more information about Research & Development at the WPBVAMC including participation in a research study, contact our office at .

Submit a Research Project on IRBNet

Submit a Research Project on IRBNet - This link is for West Palm Beach VA Medical Center researchers to submit projects for the various research committees to review. It's an enterprise-wide solution for research committee management authorized by VA Office for Research & Development. It complies with all the 1200 VHA Handbook series.

Position Contact Number Associate Chief of Staff, Research Development 561-422-8262 ext. 1448 Facility Research Specialist 561-422-8262 ext. 6956 Research Program Assistant 561-422-8262 ext. 5681 Research Compliance Officer 561-422-8262 ext. 2094