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woman who is the Nurse Executive

Kelley Saindon DNP, RN, NE-BC, CHPN

Associate Director for Nursing/Patient Care Services

VA White River Junction health care


Kelley Saindon, DNP, RN, NE-BC, CHPN is the Associate Director, Nursing and Patient Care Services/Nurse Executive at the White River Junction VAMC

Dr. Kelley Saindon, DNP, RN, CHPN is the Associate Director of Nursing and Patient Care Services for White River Junction VA Healthcare System. 

Kelley Saindon joined the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) in 2001 as a Nursing Assistant at VA Bedford Healthcare System. She has a diverse work history including Nurse Manager of the Inpatient Hospice Unit from 2015-2017. She continues to serve as a coach and mentor for fellow colleagues and Nurse Managers while promoting ongoing development and higher education. Striving for optimal patient care outcomes is one of Dr. Saindon’s top priorities,   improving the quality-of-care delivery by implementing evidence-based practices. 

Dr. Saindon was the Geriatrics and Extended Care (GEC) Service Line Manager at VA Bedford Healthcare System, with oversight over one of the largest Community Living Centers (CLC) in the nation. She acted as the VA New England Healthcare System (VISN1) GEC Director from March 2020 -March 2021 where she provided oversight to the GEC programs throughout New England. Dr. Saindon was the Deputy Nurse Executive of Patient Care Services from 2019-2021. As the Deputy Nurse Executive she provided leadership and strategic direction for the CLC and Mental Health nursing inpatient services at VA Bedford . Prior to this appointment she served as the Associate Chief Nurse of Patient Care Services from 2017-2019. She served as VA Bedford’s Co-Chair of Integrated Ethics. Dr. Saindon is the president of the local Nurses Organization of Veteran Affairs (NOVA) chapter at VA Bedford.

Dr. Saindon received her undergraduate BSN from Rivier College, in New Hampshire and her MSN from the University of Phoenix, in Arizona. She is board certified in Hospice and Palliative Care. Dr. Saindon received her Doctorate of Nursing in May 2020 from University of Massachusetts Lowell.