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Main locations

6010 Amarillo Boulevard, West
Amarillo, TX 79106-1991
Main phone:
VA health connect:
Mental health care:

Health clinic locations

2305 Avenue F Northwest, Suite 900
Childress, TX 79201-2113
Main phone:
VA health connect:
Front doors to an office building

921 East Llano Estacado Boulevard
Clovis, NM 88101-3807
Main phone:
VA health connect:
Mental health care:
Clovis Clinic

325 Denver Avenue
Dalhart, TX 79022-2711
Main phone:
VA health connect:
Dalhart VA Clinic

3510 4th Street
Lubbock, TX 79415-5346
Main phone:
VA health connect:
Mental health care:
201217_Lubbock Exterior_flag (002)

Other nearby VA locations