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WNC VA Health Care System: New screeners start Wednesday


December 14, 2021

ASHEVILLE , NC — There will soon be some new faces and uniforms at the entrances of Western North Carolina VA Health Care System facilities.

There will soon be some new faces and uniforms at the entrances of Western North Carolina VA Health Care System facilities.

In direct response to COVID-19, the Health Care System has contracted with Servexo USA to provide uniformed screeners at the entrances of Charles George VA Medical Center and community based outpatient clinics (CBOCs) in Franklin, Hickory and Rutherford County, NC., starting Dec. 15.

This new contract alleviates the need for Veterans Affairs employees to take on additional duties, while at the same time providing consistent screening coverage and service for all staff and Veterans. 

The main areas covered Include:

  • the Main Entrance to the Hospital (Bldg. 47);
  • the Emergency Department;
  • the Employee Entrance;
  • Bldgs. 9, 14, 15 and 70;
  • the Community Living Center; and
  • all three CBOCs. 

The contract screeners will report to the Chief of Police, Kevin Iwans.  Please welcome our contract screening staff, and show them what a wonderful place the WNC HealthCare System is to work!


Media contacts

Vance Janes, Public Affairs Officer

