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CGVAMC gets grammatical in creating memorial

Charles George VA Medical Center Community Living Center has placed a new sundial shaped sign in its Memorial Garden. Inscribed on the sign are the words “Loved, Served, Remember”.
Charles George VA Medical Center Community Living Center has placed a new sundial shaped sign in its Memorial Garden. Inscribed on the sign are the words “Loved, Served, Remember”.
By Vance Janes, Public Affairs Officer

A lot of thought went into the plaque adorning the Memorial Wall at Charles George VA Medical Center’s Community Living Center in Asheville, North Carolina.

ASHEVILLE, NC – A lot of thought went into the plaque adorning the Memorial Wall at Charles George VA Medical Center’s Community Living Center in Asheville, North Carolina.

According to Kristie King, Chief Nurse, Geriatrics and Extended Care, when it came to the design, there was a lot of brainstorming that went into deciding what message should be conveyed.

“The goal was to have impactful but limited words in this space,” King said. “Verb tense was a subject of lots of discussion, and the ultimate decision was made to have the sign read, ‘Loved, Served, Remember’.”

The sundial shaped sign was placed Aug. 19.

King said the hope is that people will pause, read the sign, and really absorb its meaning.

“We wanted those stopping by casually or intentionally to remember those identified here or others who have served in military service,” she said. “Remember is active; not past or future, but always.”

The change of seasons is rapidly approaching, something King said makes for a perfect occasion to stop by and view the new sign.

“As we work to move the garden from the fading summer flowers and colors to fall ones, please take a minute to walk by and remember those who have impacted all of us,” she said.

She also said a lot of thanks goes to the CGVAMC Voluntary Services team for their contributions to the wall, flowers, signage and bricks.

“It is all so appreciated,” she said.