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Atlanta VAHCS observes National Safety Month

National Safety Month
By Gregory Kendall, Public Affairs Specialist

"Successful health care organizations engage everyone in safety and create a culture where employees and patients have a strong sense of personal responsibility not only for their own safety, but for that of their coworkers, families and friends,” Joshua Jenkins said.

June is National Safety Month, and the Atlanta VA Health Care System Safety Office wants to raise awareness of what it takes for employees and patients to stay safe.

While safety is a topic that requires attention and focus every day of the year, Joshua Jenkins, Interim Atlanta VAHCS Safety Chief, says National Safety Month is an ideal time to place emphasis on the importance of on and off the job safety.  Jenkins offered the following safety tips:

  • Be aware of your surroundings and know where the nearest fire extinguisher and fire alarm pull station is at all times
  • Speak up about safety concerns and take part in creating a safer workplace.
  • Report any unsafe conditions immediately to the safety office (404) 321-6111, ext. 203738
  • Take a proactive approach to identifying and mitigating risks 
  • Participate actively in fostering a culture where safety is paramount

"Successful health care organizations engage everyone in safety and create a culture where employees and patients have a strong sense of personal responsibility not only for their own safety, but for that of their coworkers, families and friends,” Jenkins said. He added that safety is a topic that should be addressed to every employee because accidents lead to downtime, absenteeism, low morale and a rise in insurance and related costs.

Safety is not a one-time effort but an ongoing commitment. As we celebrate National Safety Month, let’s reaffirm our dedication to protecting ourselves and those around us.