Remember-A-Vet Program Surpasses $47,000
Each year the Battle Creek Enquirer news outlet sponsors Remember-A-Vet program to help serve Veterans receiving care through Battle Creek VA.
The 2023 campaign, which ran from Thanksgiving in 2023, through January 1st of 2024, was able to collect $15,521, bringing the total dollar amount of donations to $47,117.37 for the year.
The value of these donations go to the Veterans Battle Creek VA provides services to in the form of coupon books, which can be used at the medical center’s Canteen store or cafeteria. These coupon books are distributed to residential patients during holidays throughout the year.
“It’s important for them to be remembered, said Todd Greenman, Chief of Community and Volunteer Service at Battle Creek VA Medical Center. “Many of them don’t have family members or close relatives nearby, so they really appreciate the gifts that are given to them.”
Greenman also adds that it’s very fortunate to have a very military-minded community in Battle Creek, and people who want to support Veterans.
Remember-A-Vet is now in its 70th year, having begun in December 1953 when Art Middleton, a reporter and editor at the local newspaper and a Veteran himself, proposed the fund-raising program after some readers asked how they could support Veterans that were hospitalized. Middleton was commissioned as an Army infantry officer in 1942, was injured in combat in St. Lo, France, in 1944. He then served as public relations officer at Percy Jones General Hospital. After he was honorably discharged in 1946, he became a reporter at the Battle Creek Enquirer newspaper.
In 1971, Middleton died, and his wife continued supporting the program until her death. The tradition continues with the family as daughter Pam Lajoie, and granddaughter Shannon Cochran both work at the Battle Creek VA Medical Center and are pleased that his legacy continues.
Donations can be sent directly to: Community and Volunteer Service, VA Medical Center (135), 5500 Armstrong Road, Battle Creek, MI 49037.
Donations can also be provided electronically by visiting the VA web site at: and selecting the Donate button. Then, click the 1010 Fund for Remember-A-Vet. The name of a person who is being recognized or remembered with the donation may be included with the gift.
This year’s donors are:
Albaugh, Jeffrey
American Legion Auxiliary Unit 298
American Legion Post 169
American Legion Post 55
Anderson, Theodore
Armock, Rebecca
Barnes, Michael
Bates, Thomas
BCCHS Hall of Fame
Bell, Kenneth
Bellinger, Rebecca
Bolton, Victoria
Boughton, Mary
Bretl, Daniel
Broderick, William
Cahill, Jeffrey
Chamberlain, Michael
Coakes, Rose
Coburn, Sandra
Daughters of the American Revolution
Davis, David
Devyak, Dolores
DeWitt, Jean
Digennaro, Alfred
East Eckford Community Church
Edwards, S. J.
Flint, Dianna
Geise, Joanne
Gillet, Linda
Green, Beth
Gresly, Vaughn
Grosskurth, Alfred
Haas, Kathleen
Hall, Sandra
Hettich, Barbara
Hickman, Gertrude
Hiscock, Margaret
Hoffman, William
Hosking, Marilyn
Hover, Sandra
Hutchison, Dorothy
Jackson, Mary Ellen
Jenkins, Michael
Jewish War Veterans of the United States Department of Michigan
Johnson, Charles
Kachman, Donald
Keeon, Johnita
Klingler, Regis
Klopfenstein, Joan
Koerner, Cynthia
Kraft, Jean
Leibert, Candice
Linsley, Kathleen
Lusk, Mary
MacDonald, Michael
Mathews, Michaele
Mileski, Sharon
Mixon, Constance
Moore, Julianne
Palchak, Carolyn
Postula, James
Radewan, Jeff
Rahn, Michael
Ray, William
Reincke, Margaret
Saint Augustine Cathedral
Salem Helping Hands
Shearer, Daniel
Smith, Judith
Snyder, Dorothy
Solis-Kidder, Juanita
Spriggel, Sharon
Staines, Donna
Steiner, Gary
Stoddard, Linda
Straub, Nancy
Suicide Prevention and Awareness of Calhoun County
Taylor, Barbara
Tilmann, Gerald
Traux, Susan
United Auto Workers Local 488 Retirees
Virginia Hensley Living Trust
Wallen, Renita
Ward, Kathryn
Weimer, Alma
Yarger, Larry
Zimmerman, Constance