Bay Pines VA Welcomes New Chief Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Officer
February 9, 2024
BAY PINES , FL — Today, Bay Pines VA Healthcare System officially welcomed Mr. Victor Turner as the new Chief Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Officer.
“Serving Veterans means everything to me, and I’m proud to be able to contribute to the delivery of excellent health care,” Turner shared. “I look forward to working collaboratively with other services within our healthcare system to ensure staff have the tools they need to provide Veterans the best experience, no matter who they are.”
Mr. Turner has 15 years of health care experience. For the past eight years, he served as the Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO) Program Manager for the Central Ohio VA Healthcare System. During that time, he served as the principal advisor to the organizational leadership and staff, providing expert advice on all matters related to the EEO program which included organizational compliance of federal law, affirmative action strategic planning, and employee and labor relations.
“I relish being in this capacity because I can help staff close the gap regarding inequities that may exist in the workplace,” Turner shared. “To borrow a quote from the author Karen Draper, ‘Diversity doesn’t look like anyone. It looks like everyone’. I’m appreciative of this position because I’m able to use my real-life experiences to help improve a component of the Veteran’s experience.”
Mr. Turner brings with him a wide breadth of experience in health care management principles. In this role, Mr. Turner will be responsible for shaping a high-performing workforce by capitalizing on the organization’s diversity, purposefully embracing inclusion, and empowering all employees to perform to their highest potential.
“Due to the circumstances of where we could afford to live, the first few years of my life weren’t very diverse but throughout my youth, I befriended people who were from very different backgrounds,” Turner shared. “Being able to witness their customs and cultures helped shape my outlook on people who are different from me. I cherish that early exposure because I can apply those experiences to my work today.”
For additional information on this release or future coverage opportunities: Contact Bay Pines VA Healthcare System’s Public Affairs Officer Rob Frazier at or 727-317-8120. See the latest news, stories, and Veteran health care information available on our official website or official social media accounts.