Carrie Hawkins MS, RN, CCRN-K
Associate Director for Patient Care Services
VA Bay Pines health care
The Bay Pines VA Healthcare System Associate Director for Patient Care Services is Carrie Hawkins.
Ms. Hawkins was appointed to this role in June 2020. She began her VA career in 2005 at the Denver VA Medical Center. During her tenure in Denver, Ms. Hawkins served in a variety of leadership positions including Deputy Associate Director for Patient Care Service, Chief Nurse of Inpatient Care, and VISN 19’s Virtual ICU Coordinator. She is a graduate of the VISN18/19 Leadership Development Institute and is a certified mentor. Ms. Hawkins holds a bachelor’s degree in Writing from the University of Colorado, a bachelor’s degree in Nursing and a master’s degree in Leadership both from Regis University.