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Contract awarded, project begins: VA Bedford Women health clinic tour

VA Bedford team, Construction team, and DAV join for a renovation tour of new Women's Veterans Clinic
VA Bedford team, Construction team, and DAV join for a renovation tour of new Women's Veterans Clinic
By Patrick Kirby, Public Affairs Officer

BEDFORD, MA – The sounds of renovation carry a hopeful tune at VA Bedford. Bedford leadership, Construction crew, and representatives from the DAV meet to tour the space where work will begin soon as part of a $15 million renovation ushering in a new era of care for women Veterans.

“We are grateful to have won the contract to renovate this space for VA Bedford’s women Veteran’s clinic,” said Mark Voner, CEO of Veterans Development Corporation, a Veteran himself. For Voner, giving back touches close to home as he relies on the VA for his own healthcare.

Women are the fastest growing demographic at VA Bedford, now comprising nearly 1500 of total patients served. With increasing demand, hospital leadership recognized infrastructure needed upgrading to meet sensitive needs.

"We'll offer more services than ever in a safe, welcoming space," said Women Veterans Program Manager Cheryl Coviello, who hears from women struggling with the current setup. "Our staff and women Veterans are excited for this win-win. It’s been a long time coming."

The redesign focuses heavily on privacy with more exam rooms, upgraded clinical equipment, and dedicated space to host group counseling supporting mental health. “This whole building renovation will add much needed space for our female Veterans,” said Charmaine Brooks, lead engineer. “I am thankful to be leading this important project.”

Brooks draws from her experience working on healthcare construction projects to enhance comfort and dignity.

For Army Veteran Leanna Lynch, news of the expansion brought elated relief. As a member of the Mass. Governor’s Women Veterans Advisory Council, she hears concerns from fellow women Veterans needing access to quality care.

“Women Veterans have a set of needs unique to our male counterparts. Safety and privacy are very important to us,” Lynch said. The stories she hears reflect lives often still affected by trauma faced during service.

That is why Lynch feels “over the moon about the clinic expansion for so many reasons. Most exciting is the expanded services and space that is safe and private.”

The project, expected to finish in Spring 2025 after a year and a half of intense renovation, promises to transform access at the growing campus. It helps VA Bedford deliver the full spectrum of primary, specialty, and gender-specific care women Veterans earned through their military service and sacrifice.