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VA Bedford HCS VA2K Recap

VA Bedford HCS VA 2k
VA Bedford HCS VA 2k

What an incredible turnout yesterday for our 14th annual VA2K Walk & Roll! We had over 100 participants, including Veterans, staff, volunteers, and community partners, join us for this fun event promoting active lifestyles.

The weather cooperated beautifully as we walked or rolled the 2K course around our campus.

Thank you to everyone who donated food, clothing, and money to support homeless Veterans in our area.

Events like VA2K embody VA's Whole Health approach by encouraging physical activity, nutrition awareness, and social connections—all key components of overall well-being. We hope all who participated feel inspired to continue their healthful journeys.

A special thanks goes out to our Employee Whole Health team for organizing VA2K, as well as our dedicated volunteers who ensured everything ran smoothly. We're already looking forward to an even bigger event next year!

If you missed out this time, stayed tuned for more upcoming Whole Health activities open to Veterans and the community. Prioritizing your health can start today.