Virtual Hiring Fair for Nurses
Virtual Hiring Fair for Nurses
Wed. Jan 19, 2022, 10:00 am – 2:00 pm CT
This is an online event.
The Birmingham VA Health Care System will host a virtual hiring fair for nurses January 19, 2022, 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m.
Registered nurses and licensed practical nurses can attend the hiring event via Zoom by clicking the link below:
Meeting ID: 782 6793 3864, Passcode: sjMFK7.
“VA nurses are a dynamic, diverse group of honored, respected, and compassionate professionals,” said Dr. Oladipo Kukoyi, BVAHCS Executive Director. “VA is the leader in the creation of an organizational culture where excellence in nursing is valued and essential to the high quality healthcare we provide to our Veterans.”
The VA application for registered nurses can be accessed at:
The VA application for other health care professions can be accessed at:
Applicants can submit an application anytime to LaQuita Tanksley at For more information, please contact 205-933-8101, Ext. 338660.