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Whole Health

Our whole health approach empowers and equips you to take charge of your health, well-being, and quality of life. Whole health goes beyond your illnesses, injuries, or disabilities, and focuses instead on your values, goals, and overall health. It includes self-care and complementary therapies along with conventional medical care. Our whole health program includes: Acupuncture and Battlefield Acupuncture to help you manage pain without illicit drugs or medications; Meditation and mindfulness training; Yoga; tai chi and much more!

Introduction to Whole Health

During the Introduction to Whole Health class, Veterans learn more about the Whole Health approach to care, the concepts behind Whole Health living, and complete a Personal Health Inventory.

You can download and complete the Personal Health Inventory before you even step into the classroom. Whole Health Personal Inventory form

Taking Charge of My Life and Health

Participants in the Introduction to Whole Health session are encouraged to join a multi-week Taking Charge of My Life and Health group course. This multi-week session provides an opportunity for more self-exploration, self-care, and goal creation around what really matters to the Veteran. Through these Whole Health offerings, Veterans explore their new missions, delve into each aspect of the Whole Health circle, and begin to create an overarching personal health plan. Click here to see the 'personal health inventory form'. 

Whole Health Coaching

Whole Health Coaches work with Veterans one-on-one and in group settings to empower the Veteran to develop and achieve self-determined goals related to health and wellness. Coaches support Veterans in mobilizing internal strengths and external resources, and in developing self-management strategies for making sustainable, healthy lifestyle, behavior changes. As partners and facilitators, coaches support Veterans in achieving health goals and behavioral goals, while collaborating with the Veteran’s healthcare team. Coaches assist Veterans to use their insight, personal strengths and resources, goal setting, action steps and accountability toward whole health changes.

Whole Health Coaching Process

Stage 1: Veteran and coach explore Mission Aspirations Purpose (MAP). They create vision and explore values and value conflicts. 

Stage 2: They will conduct PHI, define the Veteran’s Health Focus, and assess Veteran’s readiness.

Stage 3: Veteran and coach make plan for action as part of a Personal Health Plan (PHP). They set goals and actions, explore barriers to achieving goals, and determine training, support, and accountability.

Stage 4: Veteran and coach execute plan. Veteran takes action to achieve goals. Veteran learns lessons and works with coach to assess actions and re-plan. 

The Veteran and Coach sign an agreement before starting the process lining out the steps each will take to ensure the Veteran has the best chance of accomplishing the Veteran's whole health goals.