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Ompractice - Special Class with Val

Flyer: Ompractice - Special Class with Val, Saturday, June 3, 2023, 12:00 p.m. – 1:30 p.m. Mindful Functional Movement for Joint Mobility. Virtual class. Register / sign-in at







Ompractice: LIVE virtual Yoga, Tai Chi, Guided Imagery, and other wellness classes … at no cost to VA Boston Veterans and Employees!

SPECIAL CLASS with Val -- Mindful Functional Movement for Joint Mobility

Saturday, June 3 @ 12:00-1:15pm ET (75 mins)

Find the muscles in and around your hips (glutes, inner thighs, hamstrings and even the core) along a journey toward a stronger, more stable and balanced body! We'll use flow-based yoga in combination with mobility and strengthening exercises, breath awareness to develop mobility and stability in the hips, and toward the end of class deeper, longer-held stretches to target tight areas and prepare the body for relaxation.

This workshop will be mostly movement-based practice with demos and valuable information sprinkled throughout. You'll gain more awareness of weaknesses and strengths in the hips as well as how to counteract imbalances in the body.

Register/Sign-in here:

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