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Photo of Dr. Bonnie Charland, Associate Director for Quality Management, VA Boston HCS.

Bonnie Charland PhD, MBA, RN, NE-BC

Associate Director for Quality Management

VA Boston health care


Phone: 800-865-3384

Dr. Bonnie Charland has LEAN Six Sigma Greenbelt certification and is a National Baldrige Examiner.

Dr. Bonnie Charland has a multidimensional career in healthcare that includes clinical practice,
nursing leadership and organizational excellence. She has worked in for-profit, non-for-profit and
federal healthcare systems. Her research area of interest is in nursing systems and organizational
excellence. She has LEAN Six Sigma Greenbelt certification and is a National Baldrige Examiner. Dr.
Charland has responsibility for VA Boston’s Innovation Program which has seen many projects
funded and shared Nationally. Additionally, she mentors clinicians in quality improvement,
innovation and organizational excellence.