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Confined Space Information - BK-23-002-PRCS

Crawl Space Entry, top level of basement, located opposite wall going down stairway, left-hand corner.

Space ID


Space Description

Crawl Space Entry, top level of basement, located opposite wall going down stairway, left-hand corner.

Potential Atmosphere Hazards

Possible low O2 level, flammable and/or combustible gases, H2S.

Alternative Procedures Used

None noted to date.

Engulfment/Entrapment Hazards


Other Hazards Identified

Slip/trip hazards; poor light; hot environment; low clearance in areas; asbestos and/or ACM; fiberglass.

Pictures of Entrance

Photo of BK-23-002-PRCS, Crawl Space Entry, top level of basement, located opposite wall going down stairway, left-hand corner.