Annual VA 2K Walk & Roll Event - Butler County
VA 2K Walk & Roll Event - Butler County
353 North Duffy Road
Butler, PA
Butler VA Health Care System will be hosting the 14th Annual VA 2K Walk & Roll event at its locations at 353 North Duffy Road, Butler, PA (11am - 1:00pm) and 325 New Castle Road, Butler, PA (1:30pm - 3:30pm). The annual event encourages people to live active lifestyles and allows participants to support homeless Veterans through voluntary donations of non-perishable food, clothing, and other personal care items. Information tables will be available at the event sharing information about VA health care eligibility and enrollment, PACT Act, suicide prevention, women Veteran programs, health and wellness programs, and more, as well as interactive activities. The event will be held rain or shine.
Veterans and their families, VA employees and volunteers, and community members are invited to participate in the walk and roll event and are encouraged to support the Homeless Veterans Program with a donation. Requested items can be obtained by calling the Butler VA’s Voluntary Services office at 724-477-5010.
The VA 2K event is presented by the VA’s Employee Whole Health Program and inspires Veterans and VA staff to live healthier lifestyles and reduce preventable injuries and illnesses. For more information about the VA 2K Walk & Roll event or to learn more about VA’s Whole Health approach to care go to or call Karen Justi, Whole Health Program Manager, at 878-271-6717, or Meridith Paterson, Whole Health Program and VA 2K Coordinator, at 878-271-6718.