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Melissa Achtziger

Melissa Achtziger MSN

Associate Director for Patient Care Services

VA Butler health care


Ms. Achtziger was appointed to serve as the Associate Director for Patient Care Services for the Butler VA Health Care System, effective July 3, 2022

Ms. Achtziger came to the Butler VA Health Care System as an RN Care Manager in 2010, and in 2011 took the role of Associate Chief Nurse of Ambulatory Care. She began her VA career in 2001 as a staff RN at the VA Pittsburgh Healthcare System. She served in multiple positions during her VA career at VA Pittsburgh—staff RN, clinical manager, and nurse manager.

Ms. Achtziger received her Bachelor’s Degree in Nursing in 1994 from Duquesne University, and earned her Master’s Degree in Nursing Administration from Indiana University of Pennsylvania.