All About Acupuncture & Chiropractic Care
The Butler VA Health Care System has been providing chiropractic care for over 10 years, and acupuncture services for almost 8. The two health services incorporate Whole Health principles with a common goal of improving Veterans’ overall health, but there are some major differences.
Consistent with VA’s Whole Health approach to care, chiropractic and acupuncture services focus on achieving a Veteran’s Mission, Aspiration, and Purpose (MAP). The Butler VA’s team of chiropractors and acupuncturist break it down for us:
What is Acupuncture?
Acupuncture, a modality of East Asian medicine, refers to the insertion of solid stainless-steel needles by a provider into defined locations, acupuncture points, to treat a variety of common health conditions. Acupuncturists may use a combination of manual therapy, acupuncture, dietary advice, and therapeutic exercise such as qigong as part of your care plan.
How can it help me?
Most commonly, acupuncture is used for acute or chronic musculoskeletal pain conditions like low back pain, neck pain, shoulder pain, hip pain, or elbow pain. Acupuncture is also effective for other pain conditions like fibromyalgia, headache, migraine headache, and various neuralgia conditions. Research indicates acupuncture to be beneficial for a variety of mental health conditions like PTSD, depression, anxiety, and insomnia, when appropriately co-managed with behavioral health. Acupuncture also shows benefit for women’s health addressing conditions like menopause, premenstrual syndrome, Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS), and menstrual cycle regulation.
What is Chiropractic?
Chiropractic is a health care profession with expertise in non-medication, non-operative diagnosis, and management of musculoskeletal conditions. Chiropractors are most often associated with spinal manipulative therapy for back and neck pain (also known as spinal adjustments). Chiropractic may also use a combination of manual therapies, spinal manipulative therapy, and active therapeutic exercises.
How can it help me?
Chiropractors work closely with a Veteran’s health care team to diagnose and manage muscle and joint conditions. Chiropractic may help reduce back, neck, or joint pain.
Are they safe?
Acupuncture is considered safe when performed by a qualified health care provider including licensed acupuncturists, physicians, and chiropractors. Serious complications are very rare. The most common risk with acupuncture is minor bleeding upon needle removal and occasional temporary discomfort at the needle insertion site. Other less common risks include bruising and nausea and/or dizziness during or after an acupuncture treatment. Manual therapy and spinal manipulative therapy (spinal adjustments) are considered safe when delivered by well-trained and experienced practitioners. The most common negative responses to care are soreness or discomfort in the areas treated. It is not uncommon for some individuals who seek first time care to report soreness post-treatment. Your chiropractor will discuss potential benefits and risks if manual therapies are indicated for your condition.
Can you participate in both?
The Butler VA maintains separate clinics for both chiropractic and acupuncture services. Some individuals may benefit from a multi-modal approach to care. However, in evaluating the response to care it is in your best interest to consider one service at a time for potential benefit.
How long/often should you receive treatment?
An acupuncture course of treatment will vary in length depending on the condition being treated. When indicated, a trial course of acupuncture including 4-6 visits on a weekly basis will be considered to determine benefit of treatment. A response to treatment will assist you and your clinician in determining if additional care is indicated. For chiropractic care, a typical trial may include 4-6 visits of care on a weekly or more frequent basis depending on one’s condition.
Ready to Get Started?
Like most services, Veterans are encouraged to speak to their patient aligned care team (PACT) who can assist in recommending services and consult the chiropractic or acupuncture services at the Butler VA Health Care System.