Employment resources for Veterans
Learn about employment resources that can help you find a career or get job training as you transition to civilian life.
Employment services and programs
Explore career options that match your interests.
Note: We’re no longer offering access to CareerScope. You can use O*NET Interest Profiler to explore career options instead.
Connect with employment services and jobs that use the skills you learned in the military. You can also get help with searching for jobs, getting copies of your military records, and choosing the right schools or training programs.
Get help finding a new career or a civilian career that’s like your military job.
Connect with successful business professionals. And get help explaining your military skills on your resume or in private-sector interviews.
Get help finding a job and access resources for workplace accommodations if you have a spinal-cord injury. Workplace accommodations are changes to a work environment or work process that help you do your job with your disability. These changes can include special equipment, ramps to make buildings wheelchair accessible, or modified work schedules.
Find employment resources and advice for Veterans and family members. VETS also offers information on how you can protect your employment rights.
Get help from the Veteran Employment Services Office (VESO) as you transition to civilian life.
Get links to employment resources across all government agencies.
Learn about education and training services designed to help you transition to civilian life.