Pharmacy residency program PGY2 Pain Management & Palliative Care curriculum
Learn more about our pain and palliative care pharmacy residency program.
Program purpose
PGY2 pharmacy residency programs build on Doctor of Pharmacy (Pharm.D.) education and PGY1 pharmacy residency programs to contribute to the development of clinical pharmacists in specialized areas of practice. PGY2 residencies provide residents with opportunities to function independently as practitioners by conceptualizing and integrating accumulated experience and knowledge and incorporating both into the provision of patient care or other advanced practice settings. Residents who successfully complete an accredited PGY2 pharmacy residency are prepared for advanced patient care, academic, or other specialized positions, along with board certification, if available.
Requirements to receive residency certificate
- 12 months of residency learning experiences
- Satisfactory completion of all learning experiences. If a learning experience is not satisfactorily completed, appropriate remedial work must be completed as determined by the preceptor(s) and program director
- Minimum of 21 of 27 (75%) required ASHP PGY2 Pain Management & Palliative Care objectives must be achieved for the residency (ACHR) before the end of the residency year, with no objectives with a final rating of “needs improvement”
- Successfully complete all required staff education and training
- Quarterly submission of Resident Development Plan
- UAMS Teaching Certificate Program (required if no teaching certificate during PGY1, otherwise, elective)
- Resident Research Project with any needed approvals and manuscript
- MUE project
- Therapeutics Recitation (required if not completed at UAMS during PGY1, otherwise, elective)
- Pharmacy Grand Rounds (weekly attendance and 2 major disease or treatment-related presentations as well as the research project results at the CAVHS research conference)
- Attend and present at Bi-weekly UAMS Didactics
Required learning experiences
For the resident to attain competency in the levels of practice as required by the pain management and palliative care standards, residents will complete the following:
- CAVHS palliative care I/II
- Outpatient psychiatry
- Pain consults
- Pain management clinic I/II
- SICU acute pain I/II
- ED acute pain
Required longitudinal learning experiences
- Education – includes evaluation of all presentations/teaching (12 months)
- Longitudinal Pharmacy Pain Consults and STORM (12 months)
- Practice Management & Administration – includes evaluation of objectives not included in learning experiences (12 months)
- Resident Review and Self-Assessment (12 months)
- Includes documentation of duty hours, MUE project with presentation at MUE Subcommittee,
- Project (12 months)
- Includes Practice-related project, manuscript, and presentation of project results at CAVHS Resident Research Conference
- Staffing (12 months)
- Drug Information (12 months)
- Residents will serve as a mentor for 2 different PGY1’s throughout the year, revise a drug monograph and providing drug information questions and working with the DI committee to help secure Grand Rounds Presentation approval.
Elective learning experiences
The following learning experiences may be scheduled based on interest and availability:
- Hem/Onc supportive care clinic
- UAMS palliative care (offsite rotation)
- SUD/Anti-craving longitudinal
- Hepatology/Cardiology/Transitions of Care
- Home Based Primary Care
- Geriatrics
- Inpatient geriatric psychiatry
- Neurology headache clinic
- Pain management admin
Example resident schedule
The following learning experiences are one month long (from the 1st to the end of the month) except for orientation, which will begin on whatever day the resident starts the program and ends in July. The orientation itself will be no more than two weeks (including boot camp) but will then consist of days working on consults, STORM and intro to Pain Management Clinic).
June-July: Orientation, Boot Camp (topics, consults, STORM, Pain Management Clinic)
August: Palliative Care I or Pain Management I
September: Palliative Care I or Pain Management I (whichever is not completed in Aug)
October: SICU Acute Pain I
November: SICU Acute Pain II
December: Project Month (if needed) or Elective #1
January: Palliative Care II or Pain Management II
February: Palliative Care II or Pain Management II (whichever is not completed in Jan)
March: ED Acute Pain
April: Outpatient Psychiatry
May: Elective #2
June: Elective #3 (closeout the last few days if needed)

Michael Chandler Pharm.D., BCGP
Pharmacy Residency PGY2 Palliative Care/Pain Management Program Director
VA Central Arkansas health care
The PGY2 Pain Management/Palliative Care Residency conducted by Central Arkansas Veterans Healthcare System is accredited by ASHP.