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VA Central Iowa holds Last Roll Call of Remembrance

“The brave men and women who served our nation in times of need. In remembering them today, it is the greatest affirmation that we render. In a time like this our hearts are heavy, but we remember," said Chaplain L. Linda Bruce.
By Dan Kuester, Public Affairs Officer

The VA Chaplain Services of the VA Central Iowa Health Care System presented the Last Roll Call of Remembrance recently. Approximately 65 people were in attendance consisting of family members, caregivers, friends, and staff while more than 800 joined via social media.

At the last Roll Call of Remembrance held March 22 in the Veterans Affairs Central Iowa Medical Center Des Moines, approximately 65 attendees -- family members, caregivers, friends, and staff – filed into the Medical Center Auditorium to honor service members who passed away during the preceding three months.

The group in the facility were joined by more than 800 who watched on video through Facebook social media.

Opening Remarks for this solemn event were provided by Brent Pharis, Associate Medical Center Director for the VA Central Iowa HealthCare system and a Tribute was provided by Tracie Pinkston, Director of the Veterans Benefits Administration Regional Office in Des Moines.

Additional remarks were provided by VA Chaplain Antonette Tom, Dr. Ann Touney, Chaplain Jonathan Whitfield, and Chief Chaplain L. Louise Bruce, and musical selections were provided by Theresa Whitfield. VA Chaplain Michelle Guilford presided over the event.

“We are gathered to celebrate not so much the death, but the life the of your loved ones,” said Chaplain Bruce addressing the family members. “The brave men and women who served our nation in times of need. In remembering them today, it is the greatest affirmation that we render. In a time like this our hearts are heavy, but we remember.”

During the event, each branch of service was honored, in turn, and a ceremonial bell was struck to highlight the branch’s service members.

During the mention of each service, family and friends of a fallen service member were invited to stand.

United State Army (PING)

United States Marine Corps (PING)

United States Navy (PING)

United States Air Force (PING)

United States Space Force (PING)

United States Coast Guard (PING)

Individual service members names were not called out due to privacy concerns.

VFW Post 9127 supported the event with presentation of the colors and the folding of the United States flag.