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Women's Mental Health

The Ralph H. Johnson (RHJ) VA Medical Center is committed to providing comprehensive, gender-sensitive mental health care to address a variety of emotional health needs throughout a woman’s lifespan. Women Veterans are the fastest growing Veteran population and present with unique mental health needs. Common emotional challenges encountered by women Veterans include anxiety, depression, and PTSD. The RHJ women’s mental health program exists to offer programming that meets these needs and fosters connection among women Veterans. Both individual and group treatment options are available.

Important Resources

Sexual Health Resources 

Maternity Care Resources 

Past Events

Women Veteran Wellness Summit – 5/15/24 Virtual 1200-1330. 

Women Veteran Wellness Summit Flyer

Women Veteran Virtual Maternal  Mental Health Summit – 6/19/24 1200-1330.

More information to follow

Women Veteran Virtual Poetry Workshop 5/5/2023

Sex Matters  Women Veteran Outreach Event 4/7/2023

Poetry Contest & Reading in Recognition of Women Veterans 12/19/2022

Women Veteran Maternity Wellbeing Symposium 10/21/2022

Women's Health Focus Group 7/22/2022

Women's Health Focus Group Event 7/22/2022

Virtual Outreach Event 9/17/2021

Virtual Outreach Event 12/17/2021

Women Veteran Maternity Wellbeing Symposium 6/10/2022

Women Veteran Mental Health In the News

The unique needs of women Veterans are being recognized. Here are some recent community interviews on the topic with Ralph H. Johnson staff.

Veterans talk about importance of getting mental health assistance.

Women veterans often feel overlooked, lack mental health treatment and other resources.