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VA Dayton health care top stories.

VA has seen significant improvement in our patient experience scores since first being included in Care Compare in 2018.

making rounds

During World War I, women served on the front lines as nurses, ambulance drivers and relief workers. Female physicians ran their own hospital units and served in the military as contract surgeons.

“Women Providing Healing, Promoting Hope”

Here is the newest episode of Veterans Health Today

Veteran Health Today

System enables vets to ask questions, air concerns.


At the Dayton VA, we take great pride in taking care of our Veterans.

Annual Report 2021

“Can Veterans Work While Receiving VA Disability.”

Can Veterans Work while receiving VA disability

Army veteran Tom Hardy is the Chief of Staff at the Dayton VA Medical Center and he’s got a reputation for being approachable knowing how to listen. Hardy served in the Vietnam war where he learned how a doctor can have an impact on people’s lives.

Dr. Hardy

Many people would like to forget 2021. It was a tough year, but a lot of good happened, too, especially at VA. The department is committed to making 2022 even better, and to do that, we’re taking a quick look back at what it accomplished and how it served Veterans in 2021.

Hello, here is the December 2021 edition of the Dayton VA Good News Program

Nearly two years ago, the Dayton Veterans Affairs Medical Center quietly opened a clinic in the Air Force’s second largest hospital, the Wright-Patterson Air Force Base Medical Center.

Doctor Check-Up