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Veterans may be impacted by Non-VA construction near the CLAYTON CLINIC. Construction may be blocking the entrance off of Hwy US 70 business.  Clinic may be accessed from the rear entrance off Atkinson St and S. Moore Street (S. Moore St can be accessed from US70 business at the traffic light).

Occupational Therapy (OT) Gerontology Fellowship Program

The U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) has continued to emphasize its commitment to advancing knowledge and skills of clinicians to meet the unique needs of the geriatric Veteran population.

Fellowship Program Mission:

The mission of the OT Gerontology Fellowship program is to develop occupational therapy clinical specialists in Gerontology with advanced evidence-based knowledge and skills to serve as future leaders in the treatment of geriatric Veterans across the continuum of care.

Fellowship Program Goals:

The overall goal of the fellowship is to provide a quality educational opportunity for occupational therapy clinicians interested in gaining advanced skill in effective gerontological patient care, based on best-care models, peer-reviewed evidence integration, and an interdisciplinary approach to patient management. The overall goal for the fellow is verbalize and demonstrate the unique value occupational therapy provides in enhancing quality of life across the continuum of care for the geriatric client.

Fellowship Program Description:

The focus of the proposed OT Fellowship in Gerontology is to train an advanced practitioner to provide optimal gerontological OT practices across the continuum of care. The clinical rotations will reflect this mission; the 12-month fellowship will be divided into 4 three-month rotations (Acute care, SNF level rehab [CLC], Home care [TLC/HBPC], and elective rotation).  Several outpatient clinical experiences (POSH, GeriPACT, General OT outpatient clinic, and Wheeled Mobility/Assistive technology clinic) will be ongoing throughout the year for an enchained experience for the fellow. During the fourth quarter, the fellow will choose either quality improvement project or scholarly activity focused on improving geriatric care.

Didactic Training:

A range of didactic training experiences will be provided to enhance specialist knowledge and skills related to geriatric care. Didactic trainings will be primarily interdisciplinary in nature to ensure a holistic, well-rounded understanding of the needs of older Veterans. Example didactic trainings include grand rounds and other presentations offered through the Duke Center on Aging and VA Geriatric Research, Education, and Clinical Center (GRECC); webinars and seminars focused on dementia, common conditions seen in the geriatric population, and quality of life; an intensive inter-professional training curriculum centered on older adult care in the hospital; and other trainings of interest to the fellow.

Applicant Requirements:

1. United States Citizenship

2. Graduates, or expected to graduate by the start of the fellowship year, from ACOTE accredited OT Master’s or Doctorate program

3. At least one FW Level II, or at least 3 months experience in a geriatric clinical practice setting or a clinical setting where the 50% of the caseload included geriatric population.

4. Proficient in spoken and written English

5. Fully licensed by the start of the fellowship year


Fellows are temporary employees of the Durham VAMC for a one-year appointment.

• Competitive salary

• Health insurance

• Paid leave and sick days

• Federal holidays

• Authorized absence to attend approved didactics/trainings

• Access to online journals

• Comprehensive learning experience with dedicated mentoring opportunities

The OT Gerontology Fellow will receive a full-time annual training salary. Appointees working 2080 hours are eligible for such benefits as annual leave, sick leave, health insurance, life insurance, and the Federal Insurance Contributions Act (FICA). Associated Health Professionals earn Sick Time (4 hours per pay period, or 13 days a year) and Annual Leave time (4 hours per pay period, or 13 days a year), but are not eligible for retirement benefits.

Fellowship anticipated start and end date:

Early July 2024- Early July 2025
How to Apply:

• Letter of interest that describes (typically 1 page in length)

• how you envision this training furthering your professional development

• your prior training or exposure to geriatric and/or mental health practice

• your professional and research interests.

• Current Curriculum Vitae or Resume

• Graduate transcripts

• 3 Letters of reference from individuals familiar with your clinical work

• Declaration for Federal Employment (of0306.pdf (

• Application for Health Professions Trainees (

Applications will be accepted until the position is filled. Applicants are encouraged to submit applications as early as possible. We will begin recruiting for the 2024-2025 fellow beginning January 2024. Applications received by February 11, 2024 will be given priority. Applications must be submitted electronically to Hannah.Barrett@VA.GOV