Social Workers encourage Veterans to complete an advance directive
Veterans are invited to stop by the main lobby of the Jack C. Montgomery VA Medical Center on April 11 & 14 from 12:30 p.m. to 2:30 p.m. to complete an advance directive.
Veterans can also complete an advance directive by reaching out to a Patient-Aligned Care Team (PACT) Social Worker or call 888-397-8387.
What is advance care planning?
Advance care planning is the process of clarifying your values and your preferences for future health care. It also means identifying who you would like to speak for you if you are no longer able to make decisions for yourself. This person is your “health care agent.” An advance directive is the legal document that you should use to tell others what your preferences are and who you have chosen to be your health care agent.
The advance directive
In the future, something may happen and you won’t be able to make decisions for yourself. Maybe you’re unconscious or too ill. Your health care team will use your advance directive to contact your health care agent. Together, they’ll look to your preferences on the advance directive as a guide to decisions about your care. Have you thought about what is important to you? Or what kind of medical care or mental health care you might want in the future? Have you thought about who you would want to be your health care agent? Are you ready to make your choices? If so, it’s time for you to complete your directive.
Facing a serious illness now?
If you are facing a serious illness right now, you may want to choose from a different menu – one that addresses your current health care goals. Talk with your health care team about what is important to you now. Your doctors can help you decide which treatments and services would best help you reach your current health care goals. Based on this conversation, they can write medical orders to ensure your treatment plan is based on your goals.
Need more time to read the menu?
There are many advance care planning resources for Veterans and their loved ones. VA’s website for older Veterans,, has an entire section on Advance Care Planning with links to the VA advance directive form.